Two scenarios and paths for May 7, 2024

1. After a recovery wave from a significant bearish decline from 57k-65k to a peak of 65k. So the first scenario is sideways.

Tomorrow the market is likely to fluctuate up and down in the 63-65k range.

Buyers and sellers fight, so coin players need to keep their hands steady and avoid buying and selling at this stage because it is quite sensitive.

2. The market fell because there were signs that there would be a slight correction tomorrow. The lowest is the 59-61k range.

If you need to consolidate goods, collect as low as possible, as close to the bottom as possible. The lowest fund may be as little as 59k. Because tomorrow the trend in scenario one predicts a higher rate.

Those of you who bought coins should keep your hands on the racket and hold on.

Stay tuned and follow me.