The longer you trade, the more you understand one thing: respect the market and be in awe of the market. Too many uncertain factors affect the market, just like today's market. At noon, the group was still shouting that the bulls would return quickly, and at night, they shouted that they would wear yellow robes. . . . Today's fluctuation is actually not big. The fluctuation of BTC is only 4,000 dollars, and the fluctuation of ETH is less than 300 dollars. There is really no need to torment yourself for this fluctuation. You don't panic when you hold the spot. A few days ago, it was suggested to take some sol. It really started. It's still in time to get on the train. It's hard to buy a bull back with a lot of money. Be happy, friends.

PS: You must have your own trading system when trading. Whether it is manual or quantitative, you must strictly abide by it. The characteristics appear in the order. After opening the order, don't be easily swayed by the market. Stick to your original intention and have the firmness and determination to remain calm even if Mount Tai presses down on you. Whether it is non-agricultural data or the expectation of interest rate cuts, we must first be firm that we are in the early stage of the bull market and we must persist for at least half a year without wavering! ! ! If you don't have time to trade or don't have your own trading system, then find a copy trader in the square and follow it. There are many more ways to make money now than before. The platform provides such a good way, you have to learn to use it.

65% of the stocks are in spot, eth, btc, bnb, sol

20% of the investment is to copy orders, to increase the value of funds, the income of good copy trade projects is much higher than that of big cake

15% of the money is used for counterfeiting. If you feel itchy, you can take this part to open orders. The loss is not much.