How to make money quickly when a newbie enters the cryptocurrency circle

This is my personal experience, there is no right or wrong. I will not accept any rebuttal. The reason why I wrote this article is that there are too many online scammers, which make newbies confused. What they earn is your cognitive gap.

I wrote this article to prevent newbies from being cheated and cut. Whether it is blockchain or web3, there are a lot of underlying logic on Zhihu, and I will not explain too much. Because understanding the underlying logic is not very meaningful for playing with coins.

The first thing to do when entering the cryptocurrency circle.

Prevent scammers

Prevent scammers

Prevent scammers

Important things are said three times.

Including the most common oil cards, money laundering, and offline transactions.

Don't click on links randomly

Don't click on links randomly

Don't click on links randomly

Some inexplicably deceptive links, please don't be greedy. Don't give QR codes randomly. Especially wallet QR codes and links. Anyway, many friends around me have been cheated. If you don't believe it, you can all try it. After surfing the Internet scientifically, you will find how clean the Chinese network is. There are scammers everywhere in the outside world.

Back to the point, I started playing BTC in 2011. I was an old player who mined before, but with the development of blockchain and web3, I can't keep up with many things and need to keep learning.

What are coins, wallets, exchanges, and information networks? In fact, these are the four things.

1. For coins, it is recommended to play mainstream coins in the early stage. Small coins are not suitable for novices, but more suitable for old players or teams with short and long positions.

2. There are many pig-killing schemes in China, and you can't tell them apart. Many say that they are connected to exchanges, but they are often blocked once they go up.

3. Wallet is where you put your coins. Normally it is Fox or TP. You can understand it as the place where you store the link of coins if someone gives you. But if you don't have coins in the early stage, you can only buy them on the exchange. So you don't need to download the wallet in the early stage.

Exchange: Currently, the larger ones are Binance and Ouyi. I prefer Binance, which is more convenient to use. If you don't understand downloading, you can ask me.

4. If you want to buy coins, you can buy them directly on the platform c2c, which is very convenient. USDT or USDC is fine. Recently, many people buy ETH, so you can buy some and keep them. If you are worried about the safety, you can withdraw the coins and put them in your wallet. If you like to trade, you can go to the trading market to have a look. It is recommended not to play with contracts and leverage first.Take it step by step.

You can download Feixiaohao, Xingxing Daily, and Rhythm to watch the market or information. The information above is quite OK. You can read more information to understand the dynamics of the currency circle.

The above apps for iOS need to be downloaded from foreign appstores.

Turn off the pure mode for Android, you should need to use scientific Internet or download it directly from the official website. To play this coin, it is recommended to get a scientific Internet, otherwise there will be less domestic information. If you don’t understand VPN or accounts, you can go to Taobao to search. I personally use Kuailian