VIP's prediction is really amazing! The subsequent market trend is directly grasped!

One wave of decline, all the planned shorts are profitable!

$BTC 65000 planned shorts, the current lowest is 63884, directly ate more than 1000 dollars of meat! ! !

$ETH , planned shorts near 3220, the current lowest is 3139, directly ate more than 80 dollars of meat! ! !

This is the strength of grasping the market. Not only that, Dabai also clearly reminds everyone to go short! So be sure to pay attention to Dabai's latest developments in time!

The market changes a lot, it is really important to seize the opportunity, the long army is still complacent in the last second, and the long army will burst in the next second! ! ! ! The one who can predict the trend of the market is really strong!

#ETH #BTC #美联储何时降息? #5月市场关键事件