Ethereum cannot be established without breaking it, and Bitcoin can be established at the same time!

--'s consensus is also a consensus, but the Babel Tower of Web3 can only be built by geniuses.

In the long run, the current Ethereum-Bitcoin exchange rate may be the absolute bottom. The reasons are more worth pondering:

1. Bitcoin ETFs have exhausted their benefits, and Ethereum ETFs have just started

2. Bitcoin pseudo-innovation:

The issuance of assets in the first layer of the Bitcoin ecosystem must rely on liquidity to enter the market, so there is a wave of Layer2 prosperity. Unfortunately, they are all pseudo-innovations based on MPC.

Most of the truly reliable ones are still EVM-compatible.

So a very funny situation has emerged. To save the Bitcoin ecosystem, Ethereum still has to rely on.

3. Ethereum's self-subversion: Ethereum gas fees are so low that they are outrageous. The important reason is that the second layer is gradually taking shape, and a large number of new projects appear in the second layer, or even the third layer.

In the short term, this will inevitably affect the gas fee income of the first layer of Ethereum.

But in the long run, the infrastructure of large-scale dapps has been built, and dapps that can bring in millions of users are emerging.

4. Chain and liquidity, web3 is indispensable. For the non-Turing-complete Bitcoin ecosystem, it is highly likely that it will not be achieved in one cycle to develop its own DeFi. If it can really be developed and is also EVM-compatible, then referring to the second point of this push, it is likely to be just a wedding dress for Ethereum.

Without decentralized liquidity, there can be no decentralized applications; without decentralized applications, it is impossible to bring in large-scale users.

So, BTC is still trying and clumsily doing what Ethereum has done in 2017. The Ethereum ecosystem has begun to really impact the top Internet applications.

5. The loss of geek culture has brought about the loss of developers.

To build a ship, you need to arouse everyone's desire for the sea.

While developers on the Ethereum ecosystem are constantly breaking the circle and challenging the Internet giants of web2, developers on Bitcoin are still arguing about how the inscription small picture can defeat Bayc.

Yes, the consensus is also a consensus, but the Tower of Babel of web3 can only be built by geniuses.

Most of us are mid curve, but it is better to be with them than to learn from geniuses. This is a personal value.

I choose Ethereum Ecosystem!