First of all, I find it funny that when we are in a good relationship, it is some people who say how good I am.

Now that I’m in a relationship, some people are the ones who say I’m not good at this or that.

So what? I'm not a perfect person. I have both advantages and disadvantages. I don't need anyone's approval. It's enough for Xiaojiang to accept me.

Secondly, some facts need to be clarified

1. You definitely haven’t chased after the little penguin. You’re crazy.

Yes, he must be excellent, but when I met him, he and his wife were so loving and affectionate. They're about to have a child, and it's not like he can't find a partner. Why would he chase a married person?

2. Low trading level, shouting, not posting trading screenshots, singing and speaking English in the group

My trading skills are just rubbish. If I take a screenshot or something and someone else loses money on my trade, wouldn't that be a big sin?

When I was young, I thought we were all good brothers. I would chat in the group and complain about my parents scolding me again. I would also sing and rap in the group, brag and talk nonsense.

Later, a friend in my group who I had a pretty good relationship with broke up with me and became my hater, smearing me everywhere. I decided to forget about making friends online because people’s hearts are different. I disbanded the group and haven’t created any groups since then. I don’t know what’s wrong with this. Is this crazy? It’s my own group and I bark a few words in it. What’s wrong with that?

3. The biggest income comes from dydx, who took me to have sex for free

What a psycho! No one was leading me in the first place. Wang Dayou first proposed this project to me and suggested that I take part in it. Then I studied the rules by myself and went all-in on the first trading session. I paid tens of thousands of U in fees and made a little money.

Later, Dog Penguin also started playing. I worked with him on strategies and other things. I bet over 100,000 U again. I don’t remember the exact amount because it was too long ago. I used his robot. This doesn’t count as one leading the other.

Where did you get it for free? It's all earned from all the money.

Finally, I made some money and gave Dayou a red envelope of about 100,000 yuan

I really hated it when people said I was led by someone because no one had ever led me. At most, we worked together on projects. Who led me? Did the God of Trading lead me? I don’t know why you guys keep licking him. I’ve known him for so long, but I’ve never seen him help me make money.

4. A male blogger said that loyal fans can receive red envelopes, and I gave him a lot of likes overnight.

[Confused][Confused] I just have nothing to do, I just click the mouse everyday, what's wrong? [Confused][Confused][Confused] I can't even grab red envelopes? Are we all guilty? Who doesn't grab red envelopes [Confused][Confused][Confused][Confused] I try very hard to grab red envelopes but still get criticized? Nothing else to say? [Confused]

5. Have average relationship with family and complain about parents

So what? Many people openly talk about their original families on Weibo. I live at home and I get scolded every day when I play airdrops at home. Can’t I complain? [Unintelligible]

But since I found Xiaojiang as my boyfriend, the conflicts at home have been resolved and my parents are very satisfied with me now.

How could I not have worked? I have worked for at least 3 years. My father even gave someone a bottle of Moutai to get me into a company. My monthly salary is 8k. Who hasn't worked? When I was at work, I helped my colleagues fix computers every day.

Later Xiaojiang said he would pay me my salary, so I resigned.

6. Brother Xia gave me a mobile phone and a computer.

Brother Xiazi is not stingy. Every time I go out to eat with him, he pays. I am so angry [begging for mercy] Being stingy is just a character setting.

7. I have a cat and someone suggested buying canned food but I didn’t respond.

Huh? What the hell? I don't remember anything. Are you crazy? Do I have to reply to every message in the group?

I really won't respond anymore. It's too trivial.

If you think I'm trash, then I'm trash. My original ID is leeks. I came to the circle not to study making money, but to study whether others feed cats canned food or work hard. What a psychopath [incomprehensible]

Ape called for short selling at $13, what's wrong with that? It's a few dollars now. I've always called for short selling. I said 100 years in advance not to take over large amounts of institutional locked positions, what's wrong with that? #ETH #BTC #美联储何时降息? #5月市场关键事件 #美联储何时降息?