Will the market continue to grow? When will the Fed cut interest rates? In the early days of the New Year, the market downturn is the father, and the callback is the opportunity to give you 💰. I wonder if everyone has grasped this callback? This week, the weekly string of the big cake is really beautiful. It has received a hammer string in the form of a candle chart, and the daily string has also walked out of the form of four consecutive positives. The Duotou is in a thriving state, walking in the Bi circle, and the trend is king. History never repeats itself, but it is always surprisingly similar. Although the appearances of the last two callbacks are different, the results are the same in the end, and the same is true for interest rate hikes and interest rate cuts. The technique can be ever-changing, but the Tao behind it has never changed. If you don’t have the ability to see through the rules and essence, you can only be troubled by various appearances. The boat has passed through thousands of mountains and on the road to summer, although there are occasional "late spring cold", cloudy days, heavy rains, and even hail, such extreme weather, just like the occurrence of low-probability events or deep callbacks of the currency. But it will never change or stop the arrival of the hot summer, and this is the cause and effect, that is, the law. If you don't have the ability, the belief, the mentality, and the skills to survive in the currency, how can you wait for the clouds to clear and the moon to shine? #美联储何时降息? #ETH #BTC走势分析 $BTC $ETH $BNB