23 trading tips, a 7-year bull and bear market experience... Share with everyone.

1. Be cautious about the risks of reinvesting profits: When you make a fortune, the best thing to do is to invest it in more stable assets such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, rather than in high-risk projects. High-risk investments rarely bring substantial changes.

2. Be cautious and think independently about multiple suggestions: All the various suggestions seen on Twitter need to be independently researched and analyzed to avoid blindly following the trend.

3. Make early arrangements and don't be greedy to chase the rise: When you feel panic buying, it is often too late. If everyone is talking about a project, it is probably too late and you should look for other opportunities.

4. It is crucial to record transaction details: Whether you are an airdrop, an active spot investor or other role, you should record every transaction because it is impossible to remember everything in your mind.

5. Failure is not terrible, the important thing is to keep moving forward: Failure will make you stronger, you should stand up in time and set new goals for yourself.

6. Precise use of tools is better than a large number: You don't need to use too many tools, just use those that are really effective.

7. Attention is limited, don't decentralize too much: In the field of cryptocurrency, attention and funds are limited resources. Don't waste them on meaningless things, and focus on the key points.

8. Diversified investment is an effective way to increase returns: Through a reasonable investment portfolio, you can reduce risks and retain profits.

9. Don't pursue excessive returns: Excessive expectations often bring greater risks, and you should aim for stable profits.

10. Follow but don't follow blindly: Keep an eye on new projects and new narratives, but don't follow blindly.

11. Project fundamentals are crucial: An excellent project should have good fundamentals, including team, products, token economics, etc.

12. Build your own investment system and stick to it: Develop your own investment strategy, strictly implement it, and constantly adjust it to adapt to market changes.

13. Control the scope of attention and focus deeply: In the field of cryptocurrency, focus on 2-3 areas and become an expert in this field to get better returns.

14. Avoid overly enthusiastic projects: Projects that are over-hyped are often risky and should be treated with caution.

15. Keep a clear mind: Stay sober when trading and avoid making impulsive decisions when drunk, sleepy or sick.

16. Stablecoins are also risky: Stablecoins may also be de-anchored and should be used with caution.

17. Pay attention to the food chain in the field of cryptocurrency: Understand the food chain in the field of cryptocurrency and avoid becoming a passive part.

18. Avoid overly enthusiastic projects: Those overly enthusiastic projects are often risky and not worth paying too much attention to.

19. Keep calm and objective thinking: Keep calm and objective thinking when trading and avoid being swayed by emotions.

20. Fundamentals determine everything: The fundamentals of a project determine its long-term development potential, and fundamental analysis should be taken seriously.

21. Learn to listen to the big picture: Knowing what is happening around you will help the trend of the cryptocurrency market.

22. Learn to listen to expert advice: Learn to listen to the advice of experts, but don't blindly follow the trend, and think independently.

23. Be brave to try, don't be afraid of failure: In the field of cryptocurrency, it is important to be brave to try, don't be afraid of failure, only by constantly trying can you make continuous progress.


In the bull-bear cycle of the cryptocurrency market, these trading experiences can help investors invest more rationally and steadily, avoid blind decisions, and get better returns.

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