I think large-scale witch hunting is necessary for the sustainable development of the airdrop business.

The airdrop circle is a bit over-prosperous, and there are even several projects dedicated to witch hunting. Pure data-brushing programs and automated script programs are everywhere. It's time for someone to take the lead in clearing some things.

It's better to make everyone realize that it's not so easy to get airdrops in batches.


1. Slow down the entry of newcomers

2. Large-scale crackdown on studios

3. Dissuade the confidence of batch registration

The internal circulation of airdrops will be cooled and alleviated to a certain extent.

The big opportunities are still highly financed public chain projects and EVM heads.

I like to have independent analysis and unique insights on an event, even if it is wrong, I still choose to record it.

If the result is still inconclusive, and your opinion is different from that of the majority, you can go with the flow with the majority, but you must always have doubts in your heart.

Shake it up! Raise the threshold! Iterate yourself! Wake up!

Next, quit some circles, pay less attention to noise, and keep independent thinking.
