#altcoins #memecoin🚀🚀🚀 #Memecoin🤑🤑

in crypto history over the last week and you're sitting here today you didn't get shaken out of the market instead you'vechosen to be here on a weekend to learn and boy are you going to learn in today's video because I've got some realRevelations that I want to share with you in terms of where we sit in the context of the crypto Market cycle whatI think is next for the markets from a technical and fundamental perspective and I also want to share some altcoinsthat I have been buying over the last day or so in today's video one of theplays is relatively contrarian a lot of people are actually selling this altcoin but I've actually decided that it's agood opportunity to buy as well as two other old coins which I think are reallystrong candidates to continue leading this push to the upside clearly the market has started to recover will itsustain that is something of that we're going to talk about in today's video so lots of alpha coming your way today ifyou do enjoy these videos where I give you my thoughts on the crypto Market as well as altcoin pics and Alpha make sureyou are subscribed to the channel by clicking that subscribe button down below and hit that post notification Bell because sometimes these videos aresuper time sensitive so to kick off the video Let's firstly discuss where Bitcoin sits from a technicalBitcoin Technical Analysis + Market Updateperspective look at this Wick a major ShakeOut wick on the weekly but it looks like we are about to close well abovethe range low which is sitting at 58k we did end up looking down to56.8k but we've pretty much retraced that entire move to the downside what a reversal on bitcoin what a swing in themarket and we can actually see that Bitcoin is now above the range low of the reaccumulation range according towct capital's chart which essentially highlights bitcoin's price action around the time of the harving in relation toprevious Haring which spoiler alert is looking relatively normal so there's noreal shocks here Bitcoin often does have these post and preh harving shakeouts which end up resulting in accumulationphases which are often times followed by expansion to the upside we'll touch on the Bitcoin cycle later in today's videoI've got lots of alpha to share there but back to the Bitcoin chart let's go to the lower time frame now looking atthe 4H hourly chart there is a level that was super important for Bitcoin to reclaim it's a level I've been speakingabout in my Discord and that is the 61k level which you can now see we are sitting comfortably Above This leveldefinitely in my opinion does need to hold on The Daily but so far we are getting good signs that the dip was adeviation play followed by a Reclamation of that 61k range which acts as a nextsupport base for the next move for Bitcoin whatever it may be so definitely keep your eye on the 61k Zone I thinkthere's a possibility we can come back down and tag it again but that is the major Zone that I am currently watchinguntil proven otherwise this is starting to look like a deviation play that moved to 57 which did shake a lot of peopleout but as I'll speak about a bit later in the video These shakeouts are so important in crypto to reset both thesentiment the funding and the greed of the market you might be wondering toyourself why did this recovery happen so quickly what has prompted this recoverywell there are a couple of reasons one the market was looking oversold especially on the lower time frames alot of panic and uncertainty we did see stocks start to Edge slightly higher which did boy the crypto Marketconsidering right now stocks and crypto are actually very correlated following each other quite closely the other thingthat was positive were the ETF flows on Friday gbtc which has been one of themain culprits for the net outflows in recent times actually for the first timein two months ticked to the positive in terms of flows so does that mean a lotof the unwinding of the Futures gbtc into the spot ETF is now finished I'mnot sure we do need to see this over a more extrapolated time frame but getting a positive ETF flow on Friday was a bigwin for the market um and alongside equities is one of the major reasons why Bitcoin did recover so those are a fewof my explanations as to why Bitcoin did bounce a lot of the alts are following actually interestingly when allcoinsdropped they did drop a lot but they actually didn't drop relative to bitcoin as much as I think a lot of peopleanticipated I'm talking about on May 1st obviously in the weeks prior they did slightly underperform but Al held upokay um and then on the Bitcoin bounce they've extended their gains especially you know across coins like salana withPepe some of these alts we'll get into later in the video that are leading the market now all the members of the mileshigh club which is my exclusive Discord Community are reading pretty good this week because I actually did a post onthe 1st of May at 3:45 p.m. which did actually happened to be I've pointed it out here on the chart pretty much thelocal bottom before total 3 which is the altcoin index ended up rallying 10% to the upside I did this post where I saidI'm starting to add again was lucky to have DER risked a solid chunk last week and again yesterday this is something Iwas transparent about on my Twitter as well as on these YouTube shows a few days ago lots of fear and panic outthere but ultimately fear and panic creates opportunity focusing on the majors like Soul wh Pepe ton Ono funnilyenough spoiler alert these ended up being some of the strongest bouncers actually from this major Wick to thedownside on the altcoins I said I didn't think there was a rush to eight but I'd feel foolish not trying my luck and Iended up opening a few trades both spot trades and leverage trades which I shared in the Discord I took this longon soul I closed it for a $3,000 profit I took a Pepe long I closed that for $6,000 profit whiff long $5,000 profituh what else did I take ton long 3K and then near $750 for I think a2k profitoff that bounce post fomc which was great but I am slightly kicking myself alittle bit because I closed slightly prematurely if I had kept those positions open I'd actually be up around $80,000 right now so I definitely on TheLeverage side cut my positions too short but the thing with Leverage is sometimeswhen you're happy with the profits it's worth just locking in the win you can't get too greedy in this market so eventhough I could say oh I could have made more I've got to be happy with what I did make and also happy that I did choose to accumulate spot uh when I diddo this post when the market was looking pretty bearish so all the members of the MHC are eating pretty good um socongrats to everyone throughout the week and look it's been amazing to see some of the messages from people in the Discord I saw this one user here say toone of our full-time analysts that uh post chart setups in the Discord that he made more money in one day that he makesin a full week of 60 hours work because of his setups and answering questions and giving Alpha in the group I'll beposting in the bragging rights section and if you do go into this channel you can see some of the crazy profits peoplehave been making I just want to say congrat to everyone because you know they're some of my most loyal followersand viewers of the show that you might be watching right now um when I first launched the group you guys didn't know what you were signing up for but uh Ithink now you know everyone is starting to get an understanding and a feeling of what is in there you might be wondering if you're slightly newer to the channelhow do I join the miles high club unfortunately right now it is closed I wanted to cap it as a relatively limitedand exclusive group but I will keep you updated on the channel if we do decide to raise the cap in the future the waitlist is also Al currently closed so my apologies to anyone that didn't make the cut in the future I will keep youupdated if we do end up raising the cap again so now let's discuss where we are in the cycle I think this is a questionWhere Are We In The Cycle?a lot of people are asking and I do have a few takes on this maybe some unpopulartakes but I think you know I've got justification for you know why I have these opinions on where we do currently sit in the market um and I also haveevidence to back it up so let's go through where I think we currently sit from a macro perspective and then as thelast segment of today's video we're going to go through the individual altcoin plays on maybe a shorter timeframe um why I actually decided to long a couple of altcoins today my reasoning behind it and you know what I think ingeneral you should be doing if you are interested in the altcoin market before we get into all of that I want to remindyou that if you do want a place to trade a place to trade with no restrictions Irecently partnered with bofin which honestly has been an amazing exchange to trade on um over the last week or soI've been testing it out they have a lot of pairs especially on Futures they are constantly adding to their spot pairs aswell and most importantly if you are in certain regions where you struggle to access other exchanges the fact thatbofin has no restrictions is obviously a massive massive bonus and I know a lot of you guys were asking me for optionsum in the YouTube comments and in the Discord when it comes to exchanges so in light of this new partnership I'veactually negotiated a very good sign up bonus for you guys now this is limited to the first 500 people already 250people have signed up so there's only 250 spots left for this if you are watching this video on the day it's going live and that is essentially for a$30 Futures bonus for signing up and depositing any amount so basically if you use the link in the descriptionyou'll get a $30 voucher to trade with essentially for depositing anything $1 $5 $10 Etc and what we are also doingfor people that sign up using the link is we have a trading bonus Campaign which enables you depending on theamount of volume you trade to get an additional $20 voucher then if you tradeeven more volume you can unlock a pair of airpods a Nintendo switch and as you keep trading you can win an iPhoneMacBook Pro and if you're a whale you can win a Rolex so you can sign up usingthe description below to trade with no restrictions get that bonus just for depositing any amount and then of coursestart to unlock some of these bigger prizes if you are regularly trading but I really have enjoyed the UI experienceum of the application over the last week and yeah anyone that uses this link up to the first 250 people is essentiallygoing to get access to that promotion to kick off the partnership now let's continue with the rest of the videostarting with the macro section the first thing I want to highlight that I found really interesting was just a little bit of context on the currenttime frame of this cycle that pentoshi posted saying it's already been 679 daysif you believe the market bottomed in summer of 2022 which of course I do believe either way total market capbottomed at the 2017 all-time high it's quite interesting how cycle bottomsoften form at the previous cycle all-time highs if that is the case for this cycle then I mean that would beabsolutely amazing right uh it means that there's a lot more upside to come but we will see jury still out on that one pooshi says I can't believe it'sbeen 1.5 to 2 years since we bottomed feels like it's only been 6 months time absolutely flies and yeah it's prettycrazy how quickly this rally actually happened and I think it puts into perspective just how quickly sentimentin the crypto Market shifts but also how quickly things move in this market so does that mean it's too late to get intothe market does that mean the cycle is almost over well I've got some context for you to actually put into perspectivethe time frame from bottoming in relation to previous Cycles now if you look at where we are currently you cansee that we are currently around here this photo is a little bit outdated we're actually closer to the 18-monthregion of the cycle and if you look up until this point you would be shocked how closely as you can see we areactually mirroring the 2015 to 2018 cycle as well as the 2021 cycle which ishighlighted here in green so this essentially means from a Time perspective we are in the middle of thecycle now there are arguments to suggest that this cycle is slightly left leaning so accelerated versus previous Cyclesbut even if this is the case we're still relatively early from a cycle perspective now are we early from abottoming perspective no it's been as pooshi pointed out over one and a half years since we did end up making our2022 lows however from a cycle perspective there is still a lot left inthe tank from a Bitcoin perspective and obviously that has knock on effects to the altcoins if we just look at thefractals from the previous Cycles here you can also see if you do look at theBitcoin harving charts here posted by rect Capital that the typical really explosive rally for Bitcoin doesn't tendto happen until 6 to 12 months post harving so you've got to put into context where we currently sit so if youwant to pretend this is the 2021 cycle where of course the peak happened in November 2021 currently we are still inthe 2020 version of that cycle which means we're still relatively early froma cycle perspective so this is always good context to just keep in mind because I was hearing a lot of talkabout the bull market being over I even played on that in the thumbnail of my latest video that you know the bare Market beginning this was a Trope that Iwas seeing across Twitter um and I really think that's too premature to say considering where we currently sit andconsidering the biggest rallies for Bitcoin don't tend to happen until post Haring so that's something to keep in mind the other thing to keep in mind isthat these shakeouts that we see around the time the Haring happened in 2016 happened in 2020 and happened again in2024 and I believe these shakeouts are needed in the market I think the bull market was moving way too fast memecoins were pumping people were putting hundreds of millions of dollars into into random pre-sales on Twitter therewas dozens of new launches per day the VCS were getting super greedy with their tokenomics their airdrop distributionbull markets need corrections to remain sustainable without bull market Corrections you cannot have sustainablegrowth and what's the alternative the alternative is a premature blowoff top where retail comes in they getabsolutely rinsed they get wrecked the market crashes and once again no one trusts crypto for another four years andmaybe not at all because this would have potentially be the second time after 2021 that they would get seriously burntso that is not what we want anyone that tells themselves that they wanted a massive blowoff top in April I thinkyou've really got to consider why you want that because actually that would be unhealthy for the market and a cooldownis a great opportunity to focus on the market research accumulate quality alt coins which we'll discuss at the end ofthis video prepare but most importantly it sets up a more sustainableRun for the latter half of the year or potentially even next year so that issomething to keep in mind and it's a little bit of hopium to take away from that correction that look it was actually needed we needed the cool downit's healthy funding's reset it also gave people a very good reminder on risk management even I was getting a littlebit greedy it definitely reminded me okay we need to take risk management seriously and that first geopoliticalscare a few weeks ago prompted me to DM capital and these are great reminders to get early in the cycle it's better youget the reminder now then the massive blowoff top where you know you get overconfident and you don't Implementrisk management and you get absolutely wrecked so that's just a point I wanted to make where do we currently sit in thealtcoin cycle though I think that's a question a lot of people are asking considering the data that I'm referencing is related to the Bitcoincycle well if you actually chart the total crypto market cap AKA total 3which excludes Bitcoin and ethereum you can see that if you line it up with the Wall Street cheat sheet and this isn't abe all and endle but it is a good AG of sentiment you can see that we're currently sitting between the disbeliefand the optimism phase so roughly in the Hope phase of the cycle as you can see here I find it quite interesting thatfrom a technical perspective it is showing that we are roughly in this phase considering I actually did a tweetthe other day saying that I believe from a fundamental perspective that we are closer to thedisbelief slh hope phase of the market and not in the optimism belief stage which would mean we much closer to ablowoff top why is this the case because I saw a lot of people saying we're in the complacency stage we're in anxietythat was the cycle top Etc I don't believe that we ever hit Euphoria so the meme coin run okay it was fun but therewere a few reasons to suggest that we never actually reached this phase the first one is time ways we're stillrelatively early compared to previous Cycles that's something I discussed earlier in the video the second point is most altcoins haven't really ralliedmuch I mean there has been sector outperformance memes outperforming AI now performing but from a broaderperspective due to a few factors like dilution and just the fact that not much new retail is coming into the marketmost altcoins haven't really performed that well at all we need a bigger altcoin rally a broader altcoin rally toactually build that belief so I don't think that belief was actually built to even suggest we were near the Euphoriastage and as I alluded to before retail never truly came back so this is both abad thing but it's also an opportunity so from a negative perspective you could saywell why would retail come back what's enticing them to come back right now from a more optimistic perspective youcould say well retail not being back is a huge opportunity because when we do get a catalyst whether it be cryptogaming whether it be the mem coin casino whether it be a new killer applicationor dap there's so much more room for growth now because the marketessentially is just full of the same DJs that are essentially recycling moneyaround so there aren't many new net inflows I tend to take the more positive outlook on this that look the fact thatthere aren't many new inflows is actually a positive thing because it means once this money starts coming in and I believe there are many catalysts Imentioned a few of them before for this money to come in that does create a massive opportunity for us because weare relatively early compared to retail at least and you can see this in the metrics YouTube views are still low this is a retail indicator because YouTube'sthe number one retail platform for crypto getting crypto information information Google Trends are down soBitcoin search is nowhere near the 2021 Peak same for crypto and altcoins we can also see coinbase which is one of themost retail exchanges in the US its volume is still massively down versus2021 it's not even a third of 2021 and the institutional volume is also downdespite institutions leading this recent rally so there is lots of opium there to suggest there's still a lot of growthleft in this cycle and I think that is really important to recognize because as I said I saw a lot of people saying youknow that was it for the cycle it's over now I think it's important on this bounce not to get too carried awaysaying look we're going to go to 100K today because I still believe we are in choppy periods we may still see a bit ofsideways chop and we may also Teeter with that Bitcoin support line again um I'm not ruling that out but from a macroperspective none of that should really matter if you know where we're going in the longer term it's all about pre-positioning for that eventuality andI think most people are better off doing that than trying to trade this shop in the meantime but in order to positionMemes Keep Outperformingyourself you need to understand where the narratives are you need to understand where the Mind share of the market is this cycle compared to lastCycles otherwise you'll end up in a bunch of old coins which significantly underperform so before we get into theold coins that I'm actually buying let's talk about what alts are performing the best right now now there is a clearleader in the market and it is the meme coins these are the coins that bounced by far the strongest on the recentBounce from those local lows I and this really signifies to me if it wasn'tapparent before that this is the cycle of the memes I think there has been a bit of a paradigm shift in the way thatpeople view crypto at least retailing the market they're sick of the VCS they're sick of the grifters that aretrying to extract from the community with vaporware technology and there's been this shift where retails like wedon't care about your Tech we care about community and I think the market is starting to wake up to the theory thatmemecoins are simply the reverse engineering of what it takes to script Acrypto project they're essentially putting Community before Tech rather than putting vaporous Tech beforeCommunity now of course I think technology is very important and I think you need technology to onboard real usecases into crypto crypto gaming AI Solutions L1 L2 infrastructure defidexas borrowing and lending you need all of this RW it's also important for adult and getting capital on chain right butthere are elements which we can really take away from the success of meme coins that we can then start to pair withInnovations of technology and I really hope teams start to take note of this Community First Community Centricapproach and start launching products which take that into account because that would make the entire cryptoecosystem much more effective in my opinion so mcoins are really thequintessential representation of Community First in crypto and that's why they've been running so strongly and andI've done videos on memec coins in the past and you know elaborated on this thesis a little bit more but you can see on the bounce memes after salana EthanBitcoin did have the highest volume in the entire crypto Market we can also see that whiff and pepe led the bounce theseare two of the trades that I ended up taking in my Discord in my Alpha Channelyou can see here two of my largest positions and the my strongest performers were Pepe and whiff I wish Ikept these open because these would be up like 20K each right now um but I'll be honest with you I did take profitsbut nonetheless these are the coins that actually bounce the strongest and I've been seeing these tweets floating aroundlike this observation here which I think is actually quite shrewd says it feelslike you can just hold whiff instead of soul and just hold Pepe instead of eth at this point and to be honest these arethis is kind of true from a price action perspective Pepe is outperforming e withis outperforming soul meme coins are like beta plays on their underlying ecosystems and I elaborated on thisthesis a little bit more in my meme coin video where I went through all the memec coin data which I highly suggest thatyou watch I'll leave a link in the description below because it goes through all my top meme coin picks my strategy and more if you watch thatvideo you definitely would have taken advantage of the meme coin dip because one of the things I said in this videowas when you do get major dips on coins like whiff and pepe take advantage and accumulate them because they are thestrong performers in the market right now I'll also be doing another meme Coin Show on Monday um because I I genuinelysee the signs here that there is a paradigm shift and I always talk about identifying strength and playing strength in the market and that'ssomething I'm not going to fade so aside from meme coins what else did I buy during the dip and am I buying nowthat's the question there is one coin that I actually bought today and it was frch so I think I got in at around 130Altcoin 1to 140 but in the scheme of things even where it's sitting currently right now seems attractive at a 127 mil market capand at the start of the video I said I had a contrarian take for today's video because a lot of you probably will bethinking French's trash you may have Jed the airdrop you may not likefrch I tend to think on a relative valuation perspective a lot of peopleare now starting to fade it maybe too much so I did like this tweet from mppohe said fairest air drop in ages top five name recognition app only way to gamble on social F anom said frex theonly social f competition with farcaster which is already valued at a billion frex at 120 genuinely one of the easiesttrades I've seen in a minute not even considering they've made 50 million Revenue before even adding people on theapp external to crypto what I believe has happened here with frch is a lot of the retail has gated but a lot of thevc/ smart money is actually buying up this dip that is the observation I have seen from a lot of smart money that Ifollow you know in Telegram and on Twitter Etc and I wanted a little bit of exposure to frch so I'll be buying dipson fch and I did take an initial position in this today want to keep you updated with what I'm actually buying asa play for the social fine narrative I did a full thread on social F on my Twitter where I actually stated that Ithink it could be one of the biggest narratives of this summer and I still stand by this and frex one way to speculate on that what are some otherplays I might go through this in a future video dgen is a decent play um you know Etc now let's get on to some ofthe other narratives I'm looking at um then I'll get into the time to buy question in in a little bit more detail T AI I think AI has recovered also quiteAI Sector Recoverystrongly but probably was a little bit oversold the week prior AI is definitely something I'm looking at repositioningin I told you I took a lot of profits but I'm looking to ladder back in especially over the next couple ofmonths as it may be a choppy period AI does have a lot of catalyst that I think a lot of sectors don't have so I'vespoken a lot about AI coins in the past one in particular that I don't have much exposure to that I was looking at addingis actually render I know there are a lot of GPU plays starting to launch like you know IET aier soon but I do thinkAltcoin 2Renda as the leader of the sector still represents a relatively strong proxy there's also a few reasons for this Ireally like this tweet from gold which said Rena is the only crypto with an apple integration partnership populartoken small runway for an event Bitcoin and the market as a whole is not looking so dire at the moment you can see herethere's an Apple event uh hinting at AI features so as a proxy I think Renda isthe closest attached to token from a longer term perspective AI coins in general render inclusive of that do tendto encapsulate this real world news flow and hype that we do see exhibited fromthe AI sector which is obviously one of the most compelling reasons behind why I invest in the AI sector if you want atechnical opinion on render as well it did pivot nicely from these lows at $7 it's recently broken Above Thisresistance level and I'm looking for a break of this diagonal here to watch if it does end up making a higher high onthe daily and also the 4H hourly so that's something I'm monitoring on render so is it time to buy now that'sTime To Buy Now?the question so let me give my best to kind of answer where I'm sitting I took some profits I was public about that uma month ago I also deris a little bit a week ago at the start of all this crazy dip stuff as you see in my Discord Iaverage back into the market um pretty close to the lows so I am up on those positions I've taken some profits on TheLeverage stuff but I'm still holding the spot stuff I took a friend Tech position todayI've been adding and dcing into some of my AI positions again as as well as mcoin positions those are the twosectors I'm most interested in right now but what I'm also doing is I'm taking a slightly longer term approach because inthe short term I don't know what's going to happen exactly in the next couple of weeks the market could chop Bitcoin could rally back to 68 it could comeback down to 59 I don't know and I'm not going to make 6 to 12 month investment decisions based on a week worth of priceaction what I'm more interested in is quarter 2/ quarter 3 as a wholewe know these periods particularly post harving tend to pose some interestingaccumulation sideways Choy price action how long will this continue for I don't know it could be 3 weeks it could be acouple months but we know it's not always smooth sailing during these months of the year so if that ends upbeing the case for me this does become an accumulation phase before what I think will be a new all-time high forBitcoin and in that case my goal is to average into quality in the market so I did this full video which where my top10 highest conviction altcoins for 2024 if you're interested in learning more about my thesis Behind These coins Ihighly recommend checking it out there will be a link in the description but I pretty much stated all of the tokens infrom a larger cap perspective that I'm accumulating so you can see here eth salana tomon link I'm really bullish onlink actually Ono as an rwa leader run as a reflected bet on the bull market that hasn't recovered much it's atinteresting levels some AI players AI with their new supercomputer AOS as an AI player of of course the meme coinsbecause meme coins have been pretty much leading this cycle so I I listed some of the players that are slightly higher capthat I want to average into if we do see choppy market conditions CU every single dip gives you an opportunity to scoop upthese coins one of the ways I'm approaching this is not just manually adding on major dips or setting limitorders on major dips it's actually setting up trading Bots that can average in for me based on preset parameters Idid a video yesterday which is basically an introduction to a new series that I'm launching on this channel and that isthe trading bot series Link in the description to this video as well it basically tells you my logic behind whyI'm starting a new series on the channel and the series is basically about educating you on not just the activestrategies but the passive strategies on the market where you can earn money while you sleep because trading Bots aredefinitely becoming more of a solidified sector now that all this amazing new AI Tech is starting to ship and that'ssomething you can take advantage of before the masses catch on to it so I think Automation in crypto is a huge new trend I did this introduction for you toexplain what trading Bots are why I'm doing this series my logic behind it on Sunday which is tomorrow if you'rewatching this video on Saturday I'm releasing my first tutorial which is going to show you exactly what I justdiscussed how to average in over a long time period efficiently and effectivelyutilizing crypto trading mods so that's going to be super exciting I highly recommend watching that video tomorrowbut that is basically my thoughts on the market right now if anything changes I'll give you a market update uh weOutrotalked about some things I'm interested in my accumulation strategy my thoughts on the Bitcoin cycle and a lot moreremember if you do want to trade there's a link in the description below to bofin which is an exchange with norestrictions that you can claim your futures bonus as well as your prizes if you do choose to trade the bonus is justfor depositing and I'll also leave a link in the description to all of the resources and videos that I mentionedhope you have a lovely lovely lovely weekend I'm going to see you tomorrow for the first installment of the AI seriesthat I'm really excited for see you in the next one peace outEnglish (auto-generated)