GMX's dev contributors have completed the following GMX V2.1 contract updates over the last weeks: ๐Ÿ”น Enhanced the token selection UX ๐Ÿ”น Deployed contracts with new timestamp-based Chainlink Data Streams support on Avalanche Fuji for testing ๐Ÿ”น Included pending borrowing fees in the GM APR and migrated it from subgraph to subsquid ๐Ÿ”น Added a shift feature to allow zero-fee shifting of liquidity between GM pools ๐Ÿ”น Added support for atomic withdrawals with an increased fee, allowing execution of withdrawals in a single transaction (a feature requested by lending protocols) ๐Ÿ”น Added the option to apply a Kink model to the borrowing rate ๐Ÿ”น Deployed the GMX DAO contract and set up the GMX Tally page ๐Ÿ”น Added the option for deposit caps in USD ๐Ÿ”น Added support for positive swap price impact in the input token, when the swap price impact pool is empty for the output token ๐Ÿ”น Released a small enhancement that avoids double swaps when a user chooses to receive rewards in PnL tokens The updated contracts have not been deployed, they will only be deployed after the changes have been audited. This audit is starting next week.