Stock up on $ETH as much as you can because of these facts about Ethereum

1. ETH supply is continuously decreasing. Since The Merge upgrade, ETH has continuously deflated because the PoS mechanism cuts the amount of new coins produced by up to 90% compared to PoW. In addition, burning transaction fees also contributes to eliminating ETH from circulation in the market.

2. Restaking is an extremely strong trend. Thanks to the innovation of Restaking and the community's FOMO with EigenLayer, a very large amount of ETH is being staking / restaking to participate in Liquid Restaking projects. Therefore, this amount of ETH is locked into protocols and reduces the number of ETH floating in the market.

3. Demand for ETH in DeFi is huge. ETH plays a very important role in DeFi projects on Ethereum or Layer 2 and is often seen as a source of liquidity to develop cash flow. With ETH, users have a universal coin because they can mortgage ETH, use ETH to trade Perps, provide liquidity,...

4. Spot Ethereum ETF Expectations. Bitcoin is the first coin to be approved by the United States Spot ETF and has created a fever that has caused BTC prices to grow strongly. After Bitcoin, Ethereum is the next name that financial institutions choose to establish Spot ETF. If this is approved, ETH will become an investment product for the general public through an ETF, driving a strong price increase for this coin.

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