Fulfilled again! The market is both long and short!

As early as April 30, I told you that short orders can be made now, but they are definitely not long-term orders. Don't be in a pattern, just run when you see profit! (See the picture for details) Friends who missed this content don't have to regret it. Keep paying attention and you will definitely gain something!

The upper pressure of the current market is 65973u/67425u. Friends who hold long orders should pay attention to making defensive lightening actions near this price. The lower support is 61192u, which is the key position for long orders to change. If the callback does not break this price, the long side is still safe.

Today, I actually want to talk to my friends who have just entered the circle for a while about some of my shallow understanding of "news".

In fact, non-agricultural data, unemployment rate announcement, speech by the chairman of the Federal Reserve, interest rate hikes and cuts, Hong Kong ETFs, etc., we collectively call them news. In fact, these news are more smoke bombs to cover up the dealer's wash. Take Powell's speech this time as an example. The official media's summary is nothing more than saying that the next policy adjustment is unlikely to be an interest rate hike. There is no clear confirmation of the rate cut in September, or at some point in the future? In other words, this is not a very clear good news. However, under the influence of such good news, the market is so strong, and the crazy temptation to buy is to attract more retail investors. I think it will explode again near the daily high, and the capital harvest will be completed!

If you look at the news and go long when it is good, and go short when it is bad, such a simple and crude way of doing orders can make money, then will there still be poor people?

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