I see from the comments that many people want to hear about everything) Okay, I’ll tell you)

Let's start with why I chose Technical Analysis for market analysis, and not Smart Money or other approaches.

My path has been long, I would call it a whole journey, which led me to understand the real picture of crypto trading.

My journey began with simple curiosity. At that time, the main knowledge and information was concentrated on thematic forums. I was very attracted by the colorful charts, beautifully drawn trend lines, and profitability screens, which became my first source of inspiration.

At first, I started to figure everything out on my own. Then I joined a chat with a rather interesting view of the market. I tried to extract all the useful information from the admin)

It was on the forum that I met the guys whose team I ended up joining. Thanks to which I received a huge amount of knowledge and support. That's why I constantly say that surrounding and communicating with like-minded people is the fastest way to results. Because I myself went down exactly the same path.

My first attempts were far from ideal, strange to say the least. But with each new step, I understood deeper and deeper, observing how the market reacts to every change, every trend. I watched how the guys from the team (my mentors) traded. And gradually I began to see reactions, benefits and the first profit. After that, she gradually began to move on to other instruments and delve deeper into the topic.

Fibonacci was very difficult. The chat on the forum, from which I initially got information, magically disappeared, and the admin went into a trip) I had to independently analyze and understand how grids work, and I figured out the rest of the tools using the same principle. The guys, of course, helped me and gave me advice, but as you understand, no one sat with me for hours and taught me. And for that, many thanks to them) I know that you are reading this post)

Then Smart Money appeared. A trend that brought its own adjustments to the crypto space, but I quickly realized that all these complex acronyms and methods did not add new understanding of the market to me.

This is the same market that I already knew, only now described in different words. And in my opinion, it is very “cut off”. I didn’t find anything new from the point of view of psychology and working with the market, so I didn’t actively analyze the SM chart.

I realized that Smart Money is only suitable for short-term trading. Trading in the medium or long term with Smart Money is a game of roulette) For example, with SM there is liquidity for $3000 per Bitcoin, but expecting that someone will withdraw it from current ones is nonsense)

Of course, SM trades in the long term, this is everyone’s right, everyone makes their own choice. But you know my attitude towards such trading) Now I feel in the comments the SM people will start writing 1000 reasons that I don’t understand anything about SM and generally trade according to the pictures on the charts :) So be it)

It was technical analysis that allowed me to understand the mechanics of the market and understand the psychological model of behavior of its participants.

The best part is that I didn't have to learn an endless number of strategies. Instead, I learned to understand the basic principles and put them into practice. Eventually I found my way. I found technical analysis to be my go-to tool in the cryptocurrency world. I realized that managing risk and understanding how the market works is more important than following complex systems. And this in practice gave me big profits)

The most important conclusion that I made for myself is that it is not necessary to know 100,000 strategies in order to trade comfortably, it is enough to simply understand the mechanics and psychological model of behavior of market participants.

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