After struggling for a long time, I decided to follow the trading discipline.

Review the trend after the historical daily EMA dead cross.

The current rebound is the best opportunity to reduce positions (remind to reduce or clear positions on the rebound two days ago).

Wait for the big cake daily EMA to cross again and buy back or buy back after the bottom is built.


63K is a hurdle, reduce first, 66K is also an important turning point. If there is no golden cross here, it will be cleared!

It is not clear whether 63K will go straight to 66K.

So I decided to reduce positions in some high-quality coins, and clear positions in junk coins directly.

Wait for low positions or golden crosses before buying back.

There is a complicated point: the above is the logic of big cake, but the cottage is resistant to the fall this time, so it may be sold at a high price, just as a reference!
