While both DOGE and PEPE coins have garnered attention due to their association with popular internet memes, investing in cryptocurrencies based solely on hype can be risky. Here's a more balanced approach to consider:

DOGE Coin:

Early Mover Advantage: DOGE, launched in 2013, has established itself as one of the first meme coins, giving it a certain brand recognition advantage.

Community Driven: DOGE enjoys a passionate community that has fueled social media interest and occasional price surges. However, community dependence can also lead to price volatility.

PEPE Coin:

Limited Supply: Some PEPE coins have a capped supply, which could influence price appreciation if demand rises.

Newer Entry: Since PEPE coins are a newer phenomenon, it's important to exercise caution and conduct thorough research before investing.

General Considerations for Meme Coins:

Meme-Based Fluctuations: Meme coin prices can be highly susceptible to online trends and social media activity, leading to unpredictable price swings.

Underlying Utility: Consider if the meme coin has any established use case or potential for future development beyond its meme status.

Do your own research before investing in any cryptocurrency.$DOGE $PEPE #investsafe