In the world of Web3, everyone seems to prefer Liang Xi who graduated from high school, and is a little displeased with students from prestigious schools such as Tsinghua University and Peking University.

Because in this era, what everyone cares about is not your background, but what you can bring to everyone.

Web3 pursues sudden wealth. Without the secret of getting rich, there is no hope of getting rich suddenly. Just be happy, even if you laugh and curse, it doesn't matter, but that kind of elitist style will only make people feel superior. Feeling, disgusting,

Web3 is to satisfy the dreams of ordinary people to counterattack. Everyone would rather see those gamblers who dropped out of school reach the top of their lives, rather than the elite second generation taking away their only hope.

Of course, elites are not completely annoying.

As long as they can get along with ordinary people, instead of showing off their academic qualifications, background, and women all day long, showing off how awesome they are, they will catch that kind of woman on the 15th.

However, if you think about it from another perspective, when these people still maintain their elite image, at least they still have a little burden in their hearts.

Once the elites put down their airs to cater to the masses, they may not really be close to the people, but a prelude to harvesting.

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