#Megadrop #新币挖矿 $BTC $ETH $BNB About the experience of mining new coins in the future. Many people said that the income of the new coin rez mined in the last round was very low, and it was even more of a loss for speculators. In addition to the callback of the big cake, another reason was actually because the first project of megadrop came out. We must learn to think about problems with the banker's mindset when playing with coins. Because many launchpads borrowed bnb or fudsd for mining, some of them even bought coins temporarily and sold them in advance after the mining was completed. These people are actually useless to bnb, and these people often sell them after mining, which is actually a side effect for new coins.

Then Binance's mining is actually to empower bnb. In fact, when you think about this, you must understand that the income of launchpad will not be as much as before, and the income of megadrop will be relatively higher because it is a fixed deposit. Of course, some people will say that they can withdraw money in advance, and at most they will not get the annualized return. In fact, it is a habit problem, mainly to cultivate the habit of users. After all, most people who are willing to deposit regularly will not take it out, and the data will look much better. The number of regular deposits will give the market confidence. For example, I have never sold bnb, but I have never deposited regularly before. I have kept it in the current income pool.

This is just the first time. When mining comes a few more times, everyone will slowly find that it is not certain that they can make money in the short term. There will be more and more people holding bnb and depositing regularly. This megadrop is actually a continuous benefit for long-term bnb users. In addition, for mining, it has always been a benefit that Binance has given to the majority of bnb holders. There is basically no big negative news in the bull market of bnb, and it is expected to hit 3000u to 5000u. I am a spot holder. Finally, I want to say that if you want to make money, stay away from contracts.