Yesterday, Bitcoin rebounded, while the altcoins did not follow suit. Some people were scared by the rebound and sold their stocks. Some even smartly opened short positions in the altcoins and waited for the rebound. Now they are in trouble. Today, Bitcoin TD9 and MA120 have also been tested once. It is currently at the boundary of the channel above the pullback. There is pressure. We can see the adjustment of this area. Today's news is that VGX topped the list of gains. It used to be linked to FTX-related news, but not this time. The reason seems to be the former super hot local dog. Safemoon acquired or cooperated with it, and then made games on Gala. Some people may not know Safemoon. It was the super local dog in the last bull market. It held coins for dividends and increased its price by hundreds of times. Now it has appeared and I don’t know if VGX will be used as a meme. #VGX