According to Odaily Planet Daily, DeFi protocol Pike clarified its previous statement on the USDC pool vulnerability incident. The clarification was issued after the Pike Beta protocol suffered a $1.6 million vulnerability attack on April 30. Pike pointed out that the attack was caused by negligence in the security measures of its contract functions when handling transfers with the Cross-Chain Transfer Protocol (CCTP) provided by USDC issuer Circle, and had nothing to do with Circle's product functions. Pike said that its audit partners had discovered the vulnerability that led to the first attack on April 26, but the team was unable to resolve it in time. They wrote: "It needs to be clarified that the vulnerability had been previously discovered by audit partner OtterSec. Our development team was unable to resolve this discovered vulnerability in a timely manner." The initial attack resulted in the theft of digital assets worth $300,000. On April 30, attackers exploited a vulnerability in the protocol's smart contract to steal approximately $1.68 million on the Ethereum, Arbitrum and Optimism networks.