Yesterday, BTC closed at 57,000. In the evening, ETF had a large outflow of 564 million US dollars, which was the largest outflow since the launch of ETF. However, it can be seen from the market that there was no significant decline in the US market.

The potential Wyckoff bottom pattern mentioned the day before has broken down a bit, but as long as it does not continue to fall, it can still be considered as a pattern formation in the future.

Recently, we will pay attention to whether 57,000 can be supported. I personally think that the probability of continuing to fall sharply is small. If there is no black swan event, the extreme callback point is around 52,000; if it can be supported, the probability of sideways repair in the short term between 57,000 and 65,000 is high.

There will be continuous updates in the future. You can pay attention to it and communicate with each other. Other currencies will continue to be updated in the future.

This post is only for daily sharing, not for any investment advice. Please make a decision after your own consideration.




#BTC下跌分析 #香港加密货币ETF