(This article was generated by GPT-4)

A new investigation found that most of the news reports displayed in the Square function of cryptocurrency exchange platform Binance are fake content generated by artificial intelligence, which has had a serious negative impact on the cryptocurrency market and investor trust.

The investigation was initiated by a global cybersecurity watchdog. Through an in-depth analysis of tens of thousands of news reports published by Binance Square in the past year, it was found that more than 90% of the reports were confirmed to be AI-generated fake news. These reports covered key information such as cryptocurrency price fluctuations, major transactions, and policy changes. Their content not only fabricated facts, but also had a direct impact on the market at multiple important points in time.

The research report pointed out that the spread of fake news has led to several major market fluctuations, especially before major announcements or market adjustments of specific cryptocurrencies. These artificially created news have misled countless investors by simulating the form and content of real news, causing them to make investment decisions based on wrong information, thus affecting the healthy development of the entire market.

In addition, the survey also revealed the lack of regulation of AI-generated content. Although the application of AI in the news industry provides efficiency advantages, its potential harm is obvious without proper regulation. The legal and ethical issues raised by this urgently need extensive attention and legislative follow-up from both inside and outside the industry.

At present, Binance has not made an official response to the investigation results. However, market analysts and legal experts have stated that AI and its application in news generation must be subject to strict review and supervision immediately to prevent similar incidents from happening again and ensure fairness and transparency in the cryptocurrency market.

Following the release of the investigation results, multiple investor protection organizations and active members of the cryptocurrency community have begun calling for stricter regulatory measures and promoting further investigations into the Binance platform to fully assess its potential impact on the market and formulate corresponding industry guidance and regulations to prevent the further spread of false information.

#反诈小贴士 #AI爆发 #币安广场