【There was no surprise in BTC last night. When everyone was afraid to enter the market, it started bouncing!!!】

On the second day of the Labor Day holiday at 6:53 am on May 2, 2024, Brother Sao got up with the sun!

Yesterday's big cake reached a low of 56537 and a high of 59438, leaving a space of 2900 dollars! A V-shaped pullback in a very short term. Those who grasped it were overjoyed and cried with joy, and those who were exposed cursed!

Isn't the market actually like this? It is precisely because of the existence of many troops and air forces that there is a game, there are differences, and there is a profit space. What we have to do is to stand with the strong side as much as possible to step on the right rhythm?

Of course, there is no absolute 100%. If there is, it must be a liar. Therefore, there are many people who have lost money recently, and it is also the time when there are the most liars. Don't pay membership fees everywhere to get your money back, because the one who takes advantage of your illness may be your last sustenance. For you, it is a hope. For those who rely on membership fees to harvest, you have to hope to be the source of their wealth!

BTC attention

Support 56800/57300

Pressure 59500/61000

Support can be broken today, but if it is recovered, it will be a counterattack signal for the intraday ultra-short-term!

At this moment, the key support and resistance level is 59300, which is a key support and resistance level in the short term. It has been touched once, and it has not been broken after 2 or 3 upward surges. Then it will continue to explore and seek support. If it falls deep enough, the repair of the indicator will pull back and BTC will also pull back to test the upper point! So just wait for the confirmation signal of the retracement!

#大盘走势 $BTC $BNB