To sum up, the tracks we focus on in this round are mainly for the pursuit of trend returns.

First is the public chain track: sol, inj, tia, and the latest to join is DYM.

Next is the oracle track: link, api3; Ethereum DeFi track: fxs, uni, ldo;

Ethereum second-layer series track: arb, op, the latest additions are zkf or metis;

alt/mantaai ​​track: ctxc, agix, wld or trac; AIBRC20 track: ordi, sats/frog nft b;

Big cake ecology and second layer: rif stx, (strategy cooking page introduction)

Newly added mubirwa track;

Cloud storage track: AR, fil, storjb;

An series track: cake, bake;

Game track: ygg, mc (BEAMX), newly added small-cap projects include pixel and xainft;

Aggressive matching track: FLC, newly added Pandora;

Conservative matching track: blur;

Parallel EVM track: NEON (small market value, small warehouse).

#ena #AI爆发 #BNB币 #以太坊ETF批准预期