In this circle, some KOLs are only worthy of being called bloggers, not traders. Not every leek can become a trader by having a lot of fans. To put it bluntly, bloggers are just actors and clowns. Especially when I see this big drop in the market, they always use the fact that they are not a permanent profit blogger as an excuse to lead others to liquidate and suffer huge losses. I feel like xxxx‼ ️You are still right to lose money, xxxxx⁉️‼ ️The cryptocurrency trading ecosystem is not mature yet. When the foreign exchange and gold markets mature, when traders come to the cryptocurrency circle, it will be your turn to ask for food‼ ️A trader is always a trader, and he has his own principles and ethics‼ ️#5月市场关键事件 #香港加密货币ETF #BTC下跌分析