Happy May Day? Is everyone happy with this market? We can see that the market on Wednesday surged in the morning and then fluctuated for a while. In the afternoon, a sudden big waterfall fell and the lowest point has rebounded near 56,500. The intraday thinking is long and short. Follow the market at that time to make a layout. The market is changing, so the thinking must change with it. At midnight, I was bullish. After taking 1,300 points in the morning, I continued to go long. When I encountered the waterfall support was broken, I decisively chased the short and took another 1,500 points. In the afternoon, the market maintained a small fluctuation, one short and one long, and took another 1,000 points. Don't be stubborn at this stage. Following the trend is the kingly way. #5月市场关键事件 #香港加密货币ETF #BTC下跌分析 #以太坊ETF批准预期 $BTC $ETH

In the current four-hour chart, we can see that the market is currently fluctuating near the lower track after the decline. If it successfully closes positive and is above the lower track in the evening, Master Bao's speech is positive, then it will give a considerable rebound. Looking at the hourly chart, the market continues to fluctuate, and the bulls are accumulating volume and are about to go out of the bottom divergence. I am optimistic about the rebound at midnight.

Cake 56800-56500 more, up to 58800

Aunt 2860-2840 more, up to 3000