
Two major events!

(1) On May 2, the Federal Reserve will hold a monetary policy meeting, and Powell will speak after the meeting

(2) On May 3, the super heavy non-farm data will be released

Before Powell's speech and the data release,

because the market is panicking, there is a high probability that the market will fall

Whether the cryptocurrency market can reverse its decline depends on the non-farm data released on May 3!

If it is higher than expected, it is bearish, and we still have to defend 60,000

If it is lower than expected, it is positive and will challenge the previous high

If there is a big drop before the data is released, then buy some positions at the bottom

Because this impact is asymmetric, the profit and loss ratio is appropriate

Overnight, cryptocurrency friends began to doubt that the bear market has arrived. Really, brothers, if you want to make money, you have to give up this short-term thinking. The interest rate cut is the starter of the bull market. It is nothing more than this June or next year or the year after. What we have to do is simpler. Before the violent bull market, turn every penny into coins and wait for the bull market. Last night's plunge gave us a lower purchase cost, which is something to be happy about!

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