$BTC has reached 57,000. This article has been pinned on my homepage for half a month, but it has less than 800 views. However, friends who read it seriously should have avoided the risk.

Sure enough, victory belongs to a few people. More people in the currency circle still like to gamble on contracts, look at the 15-minute line, open high leverage, and fantasize about getting rich overnight. They are not willing to spend even a few seconds reading an article.

Some people say that they don’t believe in technical aspects, and only talk about logic when making orders, or even rely on feelings. I really want to refute this. This wave of adjustment time, even the time point around April 30, was carved out by the Fibonacci cycle. The bull market decline model of Bitcoin, Nvidia and AMGN is almost exactly the same. Are these all coincidences? In fact, none of them are, it’s just that the market human nature is the same!