Four o'clock in the morning! The support is broken!

I didn't expect the market I deduced two days ago to be realized so quickly! At that time, I saw that the situation was not right, and I wrote an article with earnest words, hoping that the brothers who held heavy spot and long contract positions would be mentally prepared. Once the market price breaks 59710, it will be the beginning of the waterfall!

At that time, I gave a lot of advice to spot and contract players. Friends who need it can go to the homepage to check it out. That short message has 14k views, and there are also very intense discussions in the comment area. Friends who continue to be bullish also launched verbal attacks on me without hesitation! Now that the facts have happened, I don’t know if your positions are okay? Is your mental state okay? ?

However, it is still uncertain at present. If the price at the closing time of 8 o'clock this morning can stand back, the situation will not be too bad! Let me say first, I am not gloating, but when my point of view is proven by facts, I hope that you will not read the short messages that are contrary to your own views with malice. Be more kind, less violent, and be an emotionally stable trader!

Wait for the closing at 8 o'clock in the morning, friends!

I will continue to update the daily market forecast and analysis!

#大盘走势 #现货 #香港加密货币ETF #灯塔行情推演