CZ's sentencing hearing will start at 0:00 on May 1st! Here I beg the judge to spare his life and just give him a suspended sentence!

I will also write about CZ from my perspective.

The CZ I know is a warm and determined person. As the founder of Binance, he has demonstrated extraordinary leadership and personal charm, which makes me respect and admire him.

My first impression of CZ is his sincere attitude and friendly affinity.

Whether interacting with users on social media or communicating with community members in offline activities, he is always approachable and patient. During the BNB ICO in July 2017, the rule was that the first 3,000 users who registered Binance accounts had a quota of 10,000 BNBs, and those outside the 3,000 only had an ICO quota of 3,000. As a result, the Binance platform system crashed when registering at that time. As a result, the account could not be registered. When the repair was completed, my Binance UID account was already #1018188, far beyond the 3,000. Later, I added CZ's WeChat with a try-and-see attitude. At that time, CZ's WeChat name was Binance CEO CZ. That night, he accepted my friend request. I thought, is it so easy to add the CEO's WeChat? Later, with a try-and-see attitude, I asked CZ for more#BNBICO quota. I said at the time: I am optimistic about the Binance platform and registered as soon as possible.

However, due to your system problems, the registration ranking is lagging behind, but I want a higher quota, see if you can give me a 10,000 quota. After a few minutes, CZ actually replied to me. I forgot the original words, but the general meaning was that they admitted that the system was garbage and needed to check the subscription quota. If there was no excess, they could give me more quota.

And asked for my UID. Finally, on the day of the ICO, my quota really increased from the original 3,000 to 10,000.

As the founder and CEO of Binance, CZ always puts the interests of users first. He is not only committed to building a safe and stable trading platform, but also actively takes measures to protect the security of users' assets and ensure that their trading experience is consistent. The Binance platform system launched in the second half of 2017 was very rubbish. It was often offline and disconnected from the Internet, and the user experience was very poor. In order to improve the user experience, CZ worked overtime almost every night in that quarter to optimize the trading network and other measures to improve the user interaction experience.In 2018, ICO was popular and there were many scam projects. Among them, a project called Sita raised about 2000 million yuan and was ready to escape. Later, through the intervention and negotiation of CZ and Yijie, the scam group returned all the money to the deceived users. Later, CZ also formulated a black hole plan to help many users recover the tokens that were charged to the wrong address and contract. Reduce user losses.

CZ is full of care and gratitude for Binance Angels and Binance community volunteers. He not only appreciates our contribution to the community, but also actively pays attention to our lives and well-being. On the occasion of Binance's first anniversary and third anniversary, CZ personally invited us angels to witness the growth and development of Binance with Binance employees. I remember that in early 2020, we attended Binance's third anniversary party in South Korea. CZ was afraid that we were not full, so after the party, he personally led the team to invite us to the market town for supper. While chatting with us about family matters, he also grilled meat for us, just like a friend, without the airs of a rich man, very kind. At that time, I also made an interesting request on the spot. I said to CZ, you have grilled the meat, can you feed it to me? CZ didn't hesitate at that time, he just picked up a piece of grilled meat and fed it to my mouth. It felt so good at that time. Later, the domestic epidemic broke out, and many places couldn't buy medicine and test strips. After CZ knew about it, he found a way to airdrop some masks, cold medicine, maintenance C, test sticks, etc. to us. It was so heartwarming.

In addition to caring about users and us angels, CZ also actively participated in various charity activities and contributed his own strength to social development and the improvement of poor groups. He not only donated money and materials, but also established a charity fund to advocate and promote the development of social welfare, bringing hope and warmth to countless people in need.

CZ is not only an outstanding entrepreneur, but also a leader full of warmth and care. His affinity, protection of users, care for community volunteers and investment in charity have made him the soul and leader in the crypto circle. I feel extremely lucky and proud to know such a great person.

Finally, let us pray for CZ together! ~
