Clean up the dirt and shame from the currency circle‼ ️Remove the shame of traders‼ ️

At the top of the bull market, I publicly shorted Bitcoin 74,000 and successfully exceeded 60,000. Ethereum 4086 publicly posted a message and saw the lowest point of 2888. The precise short orders ate up the price and the long orders entered the market. I attach too much importance to this battle of the gods, as I have done in the past. As mentioned in all the articles, when Ethereum was still at 4086, I publicly saw a long backhand at 2888, and I hit all the market prices in a month‼ ️I knew that there would be many people who were bullish and were cut off. As a top trader, it was no longer a matter of money. Whether it was money or not, it was just me doing more transactions. I had been waiting for the market for a year. In order for this battle to leave a name in the history of trading, I devoted all my energy, studying the market like a madman and forgetting food and sleep every day. Taking advantage of the floating orders, I crazily squeezed in time to post articles for everyone, causing more news. Big influence‼ ️I knew from the beginning that I would be special in this battle‼ ️I even opened a firm offer in advance in case others suspected that I was a liar, and publicly issued every order I wanted to make in advance.

Even so, I was still fooled by an industry rubbish and a liar, a rubbish who made money by harvesting fans and led them to blow up their positions. In order to gain traffic, he was a scammer who didn’t know how to trade. He relied on the fact that he had more fans than me and had greater influence than me. Spreading rumors, smearing, spreading rumors and refuting rumors with one mouth will break your legs. I am exhausted mentally and physically just by trading. I still want to become a god and now I have to spend a lot of time to refute the rumors‼ ️Yanhou, I can only say that you are a disgrace to the currency circle. Anyone who knows how to trade will sneer at your trading skills. You are a clown who flatters fans by grandstanding. You are a disgrace to the KOL circle and a disgrace to traders. You are Traders and their ilk are rubbish with industry bias, a stain on the currency circle‼ ️Clowns like you should get out of the currency circle‼ ️#香港加密货币ETF #Megadrop #Eigenlayer公布空投计划