The trend is king. When we do Dan, we should make timely adjustments according to the intraday signals, instead of blindly going short when we are bearish or going long when we are bullish. Only by following the signals on the market and following the trend can we go long in the currency circle and maintain a super high victory. In the afternoon, Hangqin Cake rebounded to 63440, and then broke down many times along the way to the lowest level of 60714. Ethereum Synchronous Cake rebounded slightly and then broke down all the way, reaching the lowest level of 2963. In the afternoon, we first bought Judu Dan. Under the condition that the bulls' rebound recovery was obviously weak and under pressure, we bought the long Dan of Cake and Ethereum with a small profit, and took 330 points and 20 points of space respectively. After that, we decisively reversed and followed the short entry near 63410 and 3168. The strong downward movement of the currency price prompted the purchase near 61500 and 3034. Cake Yidan once again took more than 1900 points of space, and Ethereum took more than 130 points of space.

From the four-hour level, a wave of strong downward exploration has shown signs of stopping the decline. With the increase in the volatility base, the rebound space is also increasing, and it is currently running at a low level. At the same time, it has begun to rebound and is in the process of bottoming out and recovering. In the overall trend, the short-term decline is large, and the structure switches back and forth in a wide range of fluctuations. Combined with the space below the pattern is not very large, it is currently between the definition of rebound and reversal. There is no market that stops falling but does not rise, and there is no market that only rises but does not fall. This wave of strong callback and volume is basically over, and there will definitely be a rebound correction in the future. In the evening, you can enter the market to take more around the idea of ​​rebound recovery.

Cake can be directly long near 60800-61000, and the target is 62500-63000. Ether 2970-2990 can be directly long, and the target is 3100-3150.

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