Before doing anything in this new industry of NFT it is recommended to know these basic procedures before buying NFT on the Binance NFT marketplace.

To acquire the Forever NFT CR7 (The Goat), you will need to follow these basic procedures to have some important NFT skills:

1. Research and Identify the NFT Platform: Look for a reputable NFT platform where the Forever NFT CR7 is being offered. We talk about the Binance NFT marketplace where the CR7 NFT collection is available.

2. Set Up an Account: Create an account. This usually involves providing your email address, creating a username, and setting up a secure password.

3. Secure a Digital Wallet: To store and manage your NFTs, you will need a digital wallet that is compatible with the NFT platform you have chosen. Some popular digital wallets include MetaMask, Trust Wallet, and Coinbase Wallet but the Forever NFT (The Goat) is only available on Binance NFT Marketplace. Follow the instructions provided.

4. Fund Your Spot Wallet: Add funds to your wallet by purchasing cryptocurrency like Ethereum (ETH) or Bitcoin (BTC). Most NFT platforms require transactions to be made in cryptocurrency, so make sure you have enough funds in your spot wallet to make the purchase.

5. Connect Your Wallet to the NFT Platform: Connect your digital wallet to the NFT platform by following the instructions provided. This step allows you to access your wallet and enables you to make transactions.

6. Search for the Forever NFT CR7: Use the search function on the NFT platform to find the Forever NFT CR7 (The Goat). You may need to browse through different collections or use specific keywords to narrow down your search.

7. Verify Authenticity and Details: Before making any purchase, carefully review the details of the Forever NFT CR7. Check if it is an official release, verify its authenticity, read any accompanying information or certificates of authenticity, and ensure it meets your expectations.

8. Place a Bid or Make a Purchase: Follow the instructions provided by the platform to place your bid or make the purchase. If you are bidding, monitor the auction and adjust your bid accordingly.

9. Complete the Transaction: Once your bid is accepted or your purchase is confirmed, complete the transaction by following the platform's instructions. This usually involves confirming the payment from your digital wallet and paying any associated transaction fees.

10. Transfer and Store Your NFT: After the transaction is complete, you will receive ownership of the Forever NFT CR7 in your digital wallet. Ensure that you transfer it to your wallet for safe storage. Remember to stay cautious during the process, do thorough research, and only transact on reputable procedures to ensure a safe and secure NFT purchase.

In summary, there are Four Rarity Levels: 29,327 NFTs

The ForeverCR7: The GOAT collection consists of 20 unique designs spread across four levels of rarity (Normal; Rare, Super Rare, and Super Super Rare).

Each level contains a different number of designs and quantity of NFTs.

The total number of NFTs in the collection is 29,327.

Each NFT comes with its perks and benefits from signed merchandise to an in-person training session with Cristiano Ronaldo.

We hope CR7 NFT goes to the moon after being listed on Binance NFT Marketplace!

#GOATMoments #nfts #binancenft