🎉Good news! Odaily Planet Daily reported that bettors on the Polymarket prediction platform predicted the time that Binance's CZ would spend in prison. 🔮The data shows that 42% of bettors believe that CZ will not spend more than 6 months in prison, 17% believe it will be between 6-11 months, and 19% believe it will be between 12-17 months. 📊In general, bettors believe that CZ has a 96% chance of being released from prison within two years, and less than 2% of the chance of being sentenced to 30-35 months in prison. 🔐This is similar to the requirements of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation. 👮‍♂️

Although this is a prediction about Binance's CZ, we cannot ignore the meaning behind it. This may mean that the market's regulatory attitude towards the blockchain industry is changing, and we should pay close attention to this change. 😉At the same time, we should also remain optimistic about Bitcoin, because as the leader of the blockchain industry, its development trend will have an important impact on the entire industry. 🚀