Once upon a time, a small country came to China and presented three identical golden men as tribute. They were magnificent and made the emperor very happy. However, this small country was not kind and asked a question at the same time: Which of the three golden men is the most valuable?

The emperor thought of many ways, invited jewelers to check, weigh, and look at the workmanship, and they were all exactly the same. What to do? The envoy was still waiting to report back. A great country would not even understand this little thing, right?

Finally, an old minister who retired said he had a way.

The emperor invited the envoy to the hall, and the old minister confidently took three straws and inserted them into the ears of the first golden man, and the straw came out from the other ear. The straw of the second golden man fell directly out of his mouth, while the straw of the third golden man fell into his stomach after entering, without any sound. The old minister said: The third golden man is the most valuable! The envoy was silent, and the answer was correct.

The most valuable person is not necessarily the one who can speak the most. God gave us two ears and one mouth, so that we can listen more and talk less. Being good at listening is the most basic quality of a mature person.