Is the bull market gone? ?

The ETF of the account will be approved tomorrow. You can pay attention to the Hong Kong sector $ACH $CFX $KEY . Remember that the Hong Kong sector will have a strong wave in May every year. The Ethereum series suddenly strengthened the day before yesterday. There may be some potential benefits. The entire Ethereum series has risen very well, and ssv ens is particularly outstanding. Brother Sun also bought so much. It doesn't make people imagine.

The big cake is still weakening, but it is not particularly weak. After all, the low point below is still rising. The volume is also shrinking. Personally, I think it's missing a needle. Once the needle is in place, it will start to strengthen. The ostrich brother has been numb from the back and forth these days. I adjusted my position today and continued to chase the band. Today, I entered the market ont ong sei front. They are all very strong in the early stage and have pulled back to the support variety.

In the middle of the bull market, I bowed my head and ate grass. Next is the grand occasion of the big cake and the cottage flying together. Don't doubt it, block anyone who tells you that the bull market is over.

Follow Brother Ostrich.