4.29 Information gap market analysis:

Market trend:

Ethereum and its Ethereum series have been hyped up by the market, while Bitcoin is not moving. The entire market is expected to cut interest rates by 35 basis points this year, which will greatly benefit the financial market, and the expected interest rate cut next year is 60 basis points, which means that the real bull market will be next year.

Market hot spots:

1. X314 may have heard some rumors, and its increase was nearly doubled yesterday, and the entire X314 series rose at the same time. The market has returned to the 314 concept.

2. Sun Ge bought ETH crazily a few days ago. Yesterday, ETH rose sharply. The market may be hyping the spot ETF of ETH.

3. The pledged tokens of the Ethereum ecosystem have risen, including ETHFI and TVL, which have exceeded 4 billion US dollars, and Ethereum's second-layer OP has also risen.

4. High-multiple contracts are defined as online gambling in the mainland. In fact, it is not wrong at all. It has nothing to do with gambling. It is better to buy some spot goods honestly.