The Akita Inu is a majestic dog breed originating from the Akita Prefecture in northern Japan that has gained international fame in recent years. In response to growing concerns about falsified pedigrees and lost documents, the Akita Inu Protection Society is embracing the digital age. They have partnered with a tech company to develop a safe and secure system using blockchain technology, the same system that underpins cryptocurrencies.

Akita goes global: Digital family tree meets international demand

The Akita Inu Protection Society has seen a surge in overseas membership, from 300 in 2022 to nearly 500 in 2023. This international interest has created a challenge in ensuring the secure and efficient delivery of pedigree certificates.

Traditionally, genealogy certificates are issued in paper form, which can be easily lost in transit, especially for overseas recipients. The association even encountered an incident of forged certificates in China a few years ago, an experience that highlighted the need for a more complete and secure system.

Image source: Unsplash platform Mario Cannata photo

Blockchain Unleashed: Providing Secure Pedigree Lineage to Current Dog Owners

The Akita Inu Protection Society, in collaboration with local IT company Meta Akita Inc. and U.S. company Heirloom Inc., has developed a revolutionary system for issuing digital pedigree certificates.

Blockchain technology is widely praised for its high security and transparency, and it can create a detailed digital ledger to track and record every transaction. For the Akita Inu Protection Society, this means that the ownership history of each Akita Inu can be recorded in detail. This design greatly reduces the risk of forged certificates, because the distributed ledger and encryption characteristics of blockchain ensure that any attempt to tamper with the data will be immediately identified.

The benefits extend beyond security. Digital certificates issued via a smartphone app significantly reduce wait times for dog owners compared to traditional paper documents that can take weeks to arrive.

“We want to bring more than just convenience through digitalization,” said Yuki Shoji, a member of the association’s board of directors. “We also want dog owners to have the assurance and peace of mind that their dog is a purebred Akita.”

Looking to the future: Setting an example for other dog breeds

The association’s foray into blockchain technology sets a precedent for other breed organizations around the world. As globalization continues to connect dog lovers across borders, secure and efficient pedigree management becomes increasingly important.

This innovative approach adopted by the Akita Inu Protection Association not only maintains the purity of the Akita Inu bloodline, but also greatly simplifies the relevant process for international dog owners. By actively embracing and applying cutting-edge technology, the Akita Inu Protection Association has demonstrated in a wise and forward-looking way that the best way to maintain tradition is to be brave enough to accept and adapt to new changes. #秋田犬 #区块链技术