How to correctly pursue hot spots:

1: When the whole market knows that this is a hot spot, your risk and return are no longer proportional.

2: Don't chase when the market hype is hot, but learn more and think more, foresee the hot spots, and then ambush the hot spots in advance. As long as you ambush patiently and seize them well, good tracks may become hot spots in the future. There are always people who want to buy today and get rich tomorrow, but they are just the delusion of miserable leeks.

3: To make investments steadily, you must give up the fantasy of getting rich in the short term and pursue the leap of cyclical wealth.

Buy when no one cares and sell when the crowds are bustling. This is a well-known cyclical way, but many people cannot really execute it. Wealth must be the result of time accumulation, emotion accumulation, and cognition accumulation, not short-term luck.

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