After three days of seclusion, I read the banned book "Overcoming the Inner Demons" which I believed to be the "Nine Yin Scriptures". I recommended it to you. I know that few of you would put it into action. This is the truth that only 2% of people in this world can control their own destiny.

​The market situation is no longer important, it is just a fragment of your path to success. I have become enlightened: let me give you a wealth code. You can make some arrangements for ETC spot prices today. Don't complain if you are trapped. After all, you won't give me a penny even if you win.

I read very slowly. This is the first time I calmed down and read a book in its entirety, a book that helps people gain spiritual enlightenment. The author of this book is the idol of the group leader. Of course, he is also the founder of the success school, Napoleon Hill, just like Zhang Sanfeng of Wudang.

​I dare not say that I have opened my third eye, so as not to conflict with most of you and become an outlier. I am just re-positioning myself on what I want to do in the second half of my life. All I want to do is to inspire and lead more people to succeed and stay away from the hell of poverty.

Let me help you sort out the context of Western success studies. These young people don't understand it at all, so they are not qualified to judge it, just like most people cannot understand hard qigong from a scientific perspective. You are so awesome, can you tell me why a person's hand can break a brick? Even if you can explain it, try to break a brick with your hand! Don't worry, I will pay for your medical expenses.

The above is a joke, just like the shit market in April, the dealers have been playing a joke on us. If you open a long position, it will crash the market, and if you buy the bottom, it will fall. It seems that there is always a pair of eyes watching your position. The God's Eye Changpeng has been imprisoned by the Jade Emperor in the United States, so I also want you to discuss in the comment area whether the Binance platform is still safe?

As a leek, we are struggling desperately in the ocean of K-line, being constantly baptized by bears and bulls. Retail investors who refuse to accept their fate are struggling desperately. 98% of traders go with the flow. 2% of web3 practitioners, such as the beautiful business ladies in exchanges, are like accomplices of project parties and institutions. Why did the scene of the Macau casino public relations asking me to apply for a VIP card suddenly emerge in my mind?

In fact, I should not limit myself to the topic of blockchain. What I write in the future should be more profound. After all, I have the ability of Lu Xun, but I am low-key and don’t want to show it. No, I should be a character like Liu Yimiao.

No, I am just a small person, an old leek who has been cut by the dog dealer for ten years and is still living a carefree life. I like to see the dog dealer beat me but can't kill me. Changpeng, you will still be punished no matter how awesome you are. Who asked you to be the richest Chinese? How can you make people like Li Ka-shing feel embarrassed? In four years, you have accumulated wealth that others have accumulated in decades or even a lifetime. If the United States doesn't deal with you, other forces with absolute power will deal with you. Who asked you not to ask the head of the group to be a consultant earlier, and you also blew my warehouse? This is the karma given to you by God.

Alas, it seems that I can only give lectures like Zhou Wenqiang in this life. My writing is really illogical, sorry for your eyes, I slap myself in the face. I talk nonsense all day long without any topics, copywriting, or rewards. It is indeed not something a normal person can do to persist in writing hundreds of articles. But then again, how many normal people can succeed?

In the future, my theme will be more inclined to help you succeed, rather than limited to trading. After all, the cryptocurrency circle is very niche, and I want to kill those pseudo-teachers like Ruan Jingtian in "Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils", such as the vampire who sells sea cucumbers, who set up an MCN agency and took 80% of the commission, and let those bloggers work for him. We only take 20% for quantitative, which is the opposite. When you compare this pattern, you will know who is righteous and who is evil. Unfortunately, the higher the virtue, the higher the evil. After all, only a few people in the world have awakened.

It is still unknown whether the Ethereum tokens will rebound and lead the second half of the bull market. However, I listened to the overseas live broadcast of Chen Weixing, the former founder of Kuaidi Taxi, two days ago and found that this guy is also involved in the mind and body circle, and his cognitive dimension is extremely high. I suddenly realized that when a person's wealth accumulates to a certain amount, he will no longer pursue material things such as money. After all, there are only a few ordinary people like Sun Ge who make so much money but don't care about reputation. The dragon slayer will always be the dragon slayer, without any change.

Chen Weixing is a low-key cryptocurrency tycoon. I don’t know if his name was on the web3 poker cards back then. He knew how to retreat from the current situation and sold Kuaidi to Didi. His move overseas shows that his cognition is indeed extraordinary. He often criticizes Zhang Yiming for using algorithms to mentally control the tool people whose fingers slide up and down every day. I agree with this point very much. The future of the Chinese is very worrying. They are entertained to death and are fed with junk information that is not even fragmented knowledge every day. They are not allowed to do this or talk about that, and they force everyone to speculate in cryptocurrency. Who still plays these A-shares next door? The aging of stockholders is serious, and the follow-up power of the takeover heroes is insufficient. Will the spectacle of the Shanghai Composite Index reaching 3,000 points continue to be staged in another ten years?

Success studies should not be abbreviated as success studies, but should be called success philosophy. Otherwise, it is easy to cause misunderstanding and prejudice to young people, who have only heard about it from others: surname is Ke, name is Bi, and understand applause. That is too superficial. If it is redefined, it should be named like Jeet Kune Do. The leader calls this religion "the way to success", and I believe everyone will like it and even love it. I don't need to wear a white coat, I don't need to sit cross-legged, and you don't even need to know what I look like, just like you don't know what the mysterious power that controls your destiny on the other side of the universe looks like.

You just need to use your subconscious mind to feel whether the words I wrote are for the good of the world. If you gain a little wealth or gain spiritual enlightenment, I will be able to rest in peace even in my coffin.

If I pass away someday, I hope that someone with a destiny can compile the leader’s diary into a book. I will continue to preach with a smile even in my grave.

Haha, bah, bah, why am I talking nonsense again. My dream is to have a membership card in every club in China, and then you all wear bathrobes, and we can talk about which currency to buy at the bottom in the lobby of the bath center, and jointly study technical strategies. Together, we will contribute to the GDP of China's massage and foot therapy shops to boost the economy and help local fallen girls find jobs.

I can't help laughing when writing this. I am a postmodern success guru, so funny. I am just a lousy cryptocurrency trader, but I claim to be so noble. There is no way. Even if my body is depraved, my soul is much cleaner and purer than those sanctimonious Internet celebrities who talk about politics on paper!

Life is just a game. Luck does not exist. Sometimes lows and setbacks in fate are just disguised as temporary failures. The word failure is just a feeling imagined by humans. In fact, you all have unlimited potential. As long as you have the courage to break the limitations of the environment, no longer be afraid of losing money in investment and rejection and criticism from strangers, find the right platform or tool, such as the Ai quantitative software that the team leader is playing, step on the bonus period at the right time, have noble people to help and partners to cooperate, and when you encounter difficulties and challenges, someone will constantly encourage you to continue to act, and your time will be invisibly magnified and multiplied. In the end, you can build a pipeline with assets to generate a steady stream of cash flow, and then you can lie down and travel around the world... . . . . .