⚡️🚨 Today we review Wilder World


"A new dimension of reality" - 🚨Never in my experience, has a marketing slogan been so close to real situation.

⚡️'Wilder World' - the most photorealistic and technologically advanced Metaverse in space right now.

Launched in May 2021, Wilder World was years in making prior to their presale. Quite a lot of people, including plenty of influencers, participated in the project. Considering the gas fees back then, presale went smoothly.

The project quickly gained steam due to their mindblowing concept, incredible graphics and design work, professionally written logs, constant dev updates and amazing NFTs.

Apparently, from my observation, core founders of the project are realfrankwilder and real_n3o, former being the artistic mastermind and the latter turns it all into reality.

However, I am not 100% sure. The team is somewhat anon, so I could be wrong about the corporate structure.

Wilder World is set on creating Miamis' first #Metaverse. sister-city: 'Wiami', and from what I've dug out, the mayor of Miami was one of the supporters of the project.

#CoinMarketCap has an agreement to build 'Alexandria Library' in Wiami, if this doesn't sound bullish to you, then I don't know what will.

This #Metaverse. is abundantly rich with NFTs.

How about very high resolution replicas of real-life cars? Dreaming of that Lambo you can't afford?

They got you covered.

How about a nice flat in a highrise building? Pets? Clothes? Hovercrafts? Or...maybe a seaside land plot?!

Every #NFT you buy will have an utility to be used in-game, in the next GTA, Witcher, or RDR2 of Crypto.

Massively played open-world gaming experience with unparalleled quality.

🚨Check out their trailers on Youtube or Twitter. The amount of work that's been put into bringing this project to where it is now, is unbelievable.

They have a very large team. Considering "Crypto Project Standards", 100+ employees on your payroll, all working in tandem to bring the final result, is as close as you get to a traditional medium-sized Game Studio.

The development team consists of former employees of some of the worlds' best Game Studios, that we all have heard of. Big names in the game.

What's happening on the trading front?

WilderWorld Hit an ATH of almost 8$ during the peak of the previous cycle in Nov 2021, which translates to roughly ~$500m valuation back then.

Supply in circulation has since changed, therefore it will be a different scenario this time.

The chart is in a year-long consolidation range, apart from a few "Buy the Rumor, Sell the News" actions here and there.

Apparently the project has a lot of very smart holders, as we like to call them "Diamond Hands".

Quite a few high networth individuals, including Arthur Hayes, former owner of Bitmex, being one of the biggest holders.

The main utility token $WILD , that is set for use in game when the first version of it is released later this year, is now sitting at 0.34$ at a time of writing, and has been ranging for more than a year.

It is listed on a dozen CEXs, but most of the trading is taking place on Uniswap and Kucoin.

This project is a no-brainer investment, in my opinion. Given its quite strong financial standing, which is ~$30m in reserves for development, given a far superior metaverse.

team than any of its competitors and a concept so great, that even if the team delivers 1/2 of their goal,

Wilder will easily become #1 Metaverse in Crypto, if they deliver what they promise to deliver.

I will load up this year Q3 & Q4 and this is only my opinion.

Thanks for reading.