Contracts, spot must read, it is absolutely useful after reading, and you will definitely turn over your position!

Recently, market liquidity has fallen to a low point, even lower than some weekends at the beginning of the year. In such a low liquidity environment, it is obviously unrealistic for prices to achieve a significant leap. This also explains why investors' trading sentiment is generally not high recently, and it is even worse than the state when the ETF was not passed last year. Not only is the willingness to buy low, but the enthusiasm for selling is also not high.

Faced with such a market environment, we should perhaps think deeply. When the ETF was not passed last year, liquidity was already insufficient, and the situation is even more severe now. So, can we think that the market is accumulating strength for the next take-off?

Judging from the existing data, technical disk and market information, the market may have three bottoming situations. And around 60,000 points seems to have become the bottom-fishing position in the minds of many investors. If the price continues to fall, market confidence may be further frustrated. In the range of 60,000-70,000, many investors may choose to leave the market, which may be exactly what the market main force expects.

Looking back at history, after each halving, the market often ushered in a period of bull market. Therefore, for investors who have not yet held positions, blindly buying the bottom may not be a wise move. It is recommended to adopt a strategy of building positions in batches within the range of 55,000-60,000

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