At present, the overall market situation is relatively optimistic. Many people may be concerned about the risks of the big cake. Many people in the market are looking at 51,000-54,000, which is reasonable. If you look at it rationally in the trading market, you can indeed see this position.

The above picture is the weekly trend chart of the big cake

Because every bull market will test the bull-bear lifeline, which is the purple line. Why am I not pessimistic? There are two reasons:

The first point is: Even if we are going to enter a bear market, it will be like before, if it falls to 51,000, it will rebound to around 60,000. It is nothing more than a roller coaster ride. This is called a double top. After all, the market makers cannot sell out all their stocks in a short time. You must know that we sell to the market makers, who have money, and the market makers mainly sell to institutions and big investors to trap them. Institutions and big investors are not fools, and it takes a long time to smash and pull the market to induce them to take over.


The second point is: in view of the successive approval of ETFs and the instability of the global financial situation, shouldn’t we look at the market rationally? After all, a bubble that has been hyped up to such a high price is not a rational thing in itself. In addition, the recent sharp drop in the Shanzhai stock market is enough to show that the banker behind the big pie is not an ordinary banker. Perhaps the institutions behind this bubble do not want this little bit. After all, this round is different from the previous rounds, which has caused a large number of old investors to miss out.


It is normal for the bulls and bears to compete in the capital market. Don't think that the party that makes the wrong judgment knows nothing. There is normal logic behind the bulls and bears. The stock market, foreign exchange, and the pie circle, those who survive in them for a long time would have lost everything long ago if they didn't have some real experience.


However, the current risks of Bitcoin cannot be ignored, so it is not suitable to open long contracts with leverage. Holding spot positions is a good choice. The trap will not last long, and the contract leverage may not be able to withstand it.


The difficulty of the Pie Circle is the highest. After all, there is no supervision, and the sharp decline and rise can be controlled at will. In addition, there are too many bloggers who are trying to get out of control. Newcomers into the circle have no basic common sense. Those bloggers either make several times the money instantly by issuing contracts, or make dozens of times the money by selling coins. Or, the coins bought yesterday have risen by 50% today, and plummeted today. They cleared their positions and opened short positions yesterday. They are bullish when the market rises and bearish when the market falls. As a result, most newcomers, who don’t even understand what blockchain is, have their money made by these bloggers without the need for the dealer to intervene.


In fact, this circle is very simple. When buying, think about why you want to buy, what are the highlights of this coin, what is a reasonable price, whether the overall risk of the circle is high, and whether it is worth holding for the long term. It is that simple.


Just like when you buy gold for investment, will you buy and sell gold every day?


There are not so many stories of getting rich quickly. What contracts, local dogs, or some messy projects can make you rich instantly, those are just stories. I have been in this circle for 9 years. There was no Ethereum when I entered the circle. In this circle, if retail investors want to make money and gain a foothold, they just have to buy spot. It is impossible to make big money by trading every day. 99% of those who trade at high frequency every day either have their fees slowly worn away, or make small money when they make a profit and lose big money when they lose. Because those copycat dealers whose prices have risen more than ten times, they are not fools. How can they let you make money easily? They will suddenly pull up 20% to lure you off the bus, and repeat it several times, then you will never be able to get on the bus again. Don't be impatient about making money. Money does not come in a hurry. Our ancestors are right. The more anxious you are, the faster you lose. When you are not in a hurry, you will find that they are all small problems.


As for my personal target holdings, I have made some changes. Previously, my main positions were in old-brand altcoins with large market capitalizations such as Litecoin, which withstood most of the declines and did not fall much. However, those new coins and some altcoins that had been pulled up in a hurry before all fell by about 50%. It is more cost-effective to sell Litecoin for those altcoins with small market capitalizations that have been hit hard, because the market capitalization is small, and the cost of the dealer to pull the market is small. Look at the coins on the increase list, most of which have a market capitalization of less than 500 million US dollars, which has risen by more than 20% a day. Because there are too many coins, the funds in the market are too dispersed. I didn’t dare to buy with large positions before, after all, most of those with small market capitalizations are not resistant to declines. Recently, the decline of altcoins has basically been the same as that of Bitcoin, which is still good. After all, the altcoin season has not yet arrived. There is no need to doubt whether there is an altcoin season. There will definitely be an altcoin season, but because of the particularity of this round of market conditions, the time node is a bit long. Bitcoin has brought in so much funds, and the altcoin dealers must want to get a piece of the pie.



My personal profit target for Bingquan is not high. 2-3 times a year, and anything more is a surprise. Big money is made unconsciously. There is no such thing as foreknowledge that this coin will definitely increase 10 times or something. The higher the expectation, the more impatient you will be, because you are wrong from the beginning. This is an investment, not buying lottery tickets. What is the reasonable range of investment returns? You can search on Baidu. Instead, treat it with a normal mind and it is easier to get a surprise.


Below are some of the currencies that have been sorted out. Because the market value is not very high, there are a few more currencies. Because so many people are buying, I recommend one or two currencies for everyone to buy. The funds of so many people add up to hundreds of millions. Are the dealers stupid? They pull the market to make everyone make money? Although there are many currencies, you don’t have to buy all of them. Just buy 3-5. If the one that soars first, you can also exchange it for other ones that haven’t risen.


If you have a large amount of capital, buy more and spread the funds to see the overall return.


Generally speaking, a reasonable position allocation is to buy 3 with 500,000 yuan, and 3-5 with more than 500,000 yuan. For the recommended currencies, some have very low market capitalization, so you can't buy too much. For those with a market capitalization of around 100 million, don't buy hundreds of thousands at once. If you use so much money to buy, the price won't pull up in a short time, and the dealer will grind most people off the car before pulling up.


XVG current price 0.0056 (target 0.011-0.02)


TLM current price 0.017 (target 0.04-0.06)


PDA current price 0.083 (target 0.25-0.3)


Hot current price 0.0026 (target 0.08-0.01)


Qtum current price 3.9 (target 8.5-9)


Atom current price 8.28 (target 15-18)

LTC current price 86 (target 120-170)


etc current price 27 (target 35-45)


Zen current price 8.9 (target 35-40)


EOS current price 0.81 (target 2u)


TNSR current price 0.96 (target 1.8-3)


The current price of ustc is 0.018 (target 0.34-0.5)


APE current price 1.39 (target 3-3.7)


w current price 0.59 (target 1.5-2)


The above goals are expected goals before the Chinese New Year this year, not goals that can be achieved in one month.


Low market capitalization should be reasonably matched with large market capitalization. Although low market capitalization is easier to pull up, the higher the return, the unknown risks are hidden behind it.



This article took me two and a half hours to write, and it took me two days to select the currency. It’s not easy to write, so please remember to like and forward it to friends in need.


I wish you all can return home in glory and buy a new car and house during this Spring Festival.


Heaven has bestowed a great responsibility on this man, and has made him avoid danger, exhaust his muscles and bones, and starve his body.


If you can't stand loneliness, how can you be worthy of seeing the prosperous world? People have been doing business for more than ten years to have food and clothing, do you want to be like them in an instant?

-Mr. CoinHolder.