$COS , pay attention! I strongly suggest that when the secondary market is fighting, you will be the one who gets cut. Then please layout the primary market such as web3 as soon as possible. Even if you layout 1%, it is OK. There are 10 times, 100 times, or even thousands of times of market every day. For example, ERC20 a week ago soared more than 7,000 times in one day and more than 24,000 times in 3 days. Don't chase high. This kind of web3 variety has risks and opportunities, and the greater the opportunity, the greater the risk. If you are not careful, it will be tens of thousands of times, and if you are not careful, it will return to zero. So you should layout in advance, stock up those ultra-low market value and ultra-low price varieties, hold the chips, hold firmly, and wait for it to increase by a hundred times or a thousand times! It is recommended to pay attention to babyRWA, which currently has a market value of more than 100k and a coin price of less than 0.00000000005! The popularity is not high enough at the moment, and it is in the bottoming stage. It is recommended that those who have money stock up on 1000/2000 or something, and those who don’t have money stock up on 100/200 or something. Anyway, it won’t have much impact on you, and you can just wait for a 10,000-fold takeoff! #doge #shib #w #meme #pepe