Reposted from Boss Qiao.

1) What is Megadrop❓

-From a strategic point of view, this is a big move by Binance in the field of Web3 wallets. At present, OKX is the leader in this field, from UI to practicality, from inscriptions to runes, and is the undisputed leader.

>Although Binance has launched a Web3 wallet product, it is not popular at present. The emergence of Megadrop is to imitate 🐑Launchpool, using Binance's huge resources to support a giant in the field of web3 wallets.

-Because users must have at least an active Binance Web3👤 account to participate in Megadrop, they can complete the Web3 tasks assigned by the project from the wallet account interface, thereby using the Binance Web3 wallet as an airdrop interaction platform to enrich the wallet use cases.

>So brothers, from a strategic perspective, you should understand something, right? Every time Binance's resources are tilted, it is a good opportunity for retail investors to make money. Money flows out of the basin, and you must take it!

Let’s get back to the point. From the name of Megadrop, you should know what it is. Mega means huge, plus drop, it means a huge airdrop! Many friends said, doesn’t Binance have Launchpool now? Staking can also get airdrop rewards, so why bother to do a Megadrop? ⁉️

〰️This involves a problem. In the previous Launchpool, players only needed to deposit BNB to mine, and would not consider what your project is or whether it has value. They would sell it at the opening. This is essentially a model for big players to make money without doing anything, which is not friendly to the development of the project.

Now Megadrop is in the web3 wallet. In addition to locking BNB, you can also earn points to redeem airdrops by interacting with the project.

>The gap between retail investors and large investors in terms of capital can be slightly made up through numerous interactive activities. And before receiving the airdrop, users can deeply experience the project, allowing more high-quality value projects to be discovered.

In addition to airdrop rewards, the reason why I am optimistic about this platform is that through this platform, Binance perfectly combines interaction, education and rewards. Users can participate in various tasks, not only to learn valuable web3 knowledge, but also to obtain new currency income in the process of completing tasks. This can guide more secondary market users to participate in the chain and become native residents of the chain, so that the value of blockchain can be better reflected.

2) Megadrop gameplay instructions ☑️

Simply put: lock BNB, complete Web3 tasks, accumulate points, and redeem points for airdrops

The Megadrop points mechanism is that the airdrop reward is determined by the proportion of a single user's points to all eligible users.

🟫Currently, Binance Megadrop has two major points systems:

> 🟡Lock BNB: Accumulate points by purchasing BNB regular products on the Binance Earn Coin platform. The number of points depends on the number of BNB purchased and the length of the purchase period. The longer the purchase period, the more points you earn. For example, if you lock a BNB for 30 days, you will get 100 points, and if you lock it for 120 days, you will get 130 points.

>🟠Web3 Task Points: After users complete all designated Web3 tasks and meet the minimum task requirements, they will earn Web3 Task Points and receive corresponding multiplier bonuses.

User's final points = (locked BNB points * Web3 task multiplier) + Web3 task points

Therefore, the step of purchasing BNB is not mandatory, but if you do not purchase BNB and only complete the tasks, the number of airdropped tokens will definitely be relatively small, which is not much different from the regular airdrop. At the same time, if you do not purchase BNB, the Web3 task multiplier will have no effect.

Important points that need additional explanation:

Many friends are worried that locking up bnb will affect participation in Launchpool activities. In fact, there is no conflict. BNB users can participate in Launchpool while participating in Megadrop, which means that bnb now has become killing two birds with one stone.

3) Operation tutorial of MegaDrop's first project Bouncebit🧵

🎡The activity consists of two parts:

1️⃣ - Deposit BNB regularly

-How to deposit BNB regularly ❓

Step 1 ✧

- Click the yellow icon on the upper left of the Binance homepage and see Megadrop in the recommendations (if you don’t enter more services, scroll to the top recommendation bar)

Step 2 ✧

- Enter Megadrop, you can see the subscription option to lock BNB and enter

Step 3 ✧

-Subscribe to bnb financial products with different lock-up periods and quantities

For the sake of convenience, I directly choose 120 days, which not only allows me to enjoy the maximum lock-up points income of the Megadrop platform activity (130 points for a deposit), but also an annualized income of 1.69%

Step 4 ✧

-Cancel the automatic subscription option at maturity to prevent the position from being locked up due to automatic renewal and loss of liquidity. You can redeem it to the bnb income pool or spot account.

Step 5: Check "I have read the agreement" and click OK to complete the lock-up.

[doge] Operation demonstration see Figure 1 and Figure 2

2️⃣- Go to web3 wallet to do the task

This may be difficult for many people, but let's take it slow. You need to prepare at least $30 in BNB for GAS for on-chain interactions.

After preparing bnb, return to the Megadrop menu

Step 1 ✧

- Click the yellow button "Earn Points" at the bottom, then select Start Now, then select OK to start creating a wallet. (Remember that wallets imported directly do not count, you must create a wallet through the Binance APP)

Step 2 ✧

- Select "Connect Wallet", it will prompt you to back up your wallet, click to back up now (both methods are available, but it seems that the first method cannot be used by many people's mobile phones. You can choose to back up with a QR code. It is best to take a photo of the QR code with a backup phone that is not connected to the Internet, and then use the host to scan the QR code of the backup phone)

Step 3 ✧

-Then you will have a web3 wallet. Go back to the main page of the exchange and click on the funds column at the bottom.

Step 4 ✧

- At this time, you will see the web3 option at the top, click it

Step 5 ✧

- Select the transfer option to transfer the BNB you just bought on the exchange to your wallet

Step 6 ✧

- Next, you need to exchange some BTC to do this task. Because on the BSC network, BTC is called BTCB. The specific button is the exchange button at the bottom of the WEB3 wallet main business column.

Step 7 ✧

- Select BNB for payment and BTCB for receiving. The minimum amount is 0.000111 BTCB (you can buy 0.00012 to prevent errors)

Step 8 ✧

- After the exchange is successful, there will be BTCB in the wallet. At this time, on the homepage of WEB3 wallet, you will see a banner ad about MegaDrop (no need to swipe left or right), click to enter (if you can't find it, use the previous method to enter MegaDrop)

Step 9 ✧

-Select Earn Points-->Start Now-->Connect Wallet (after the link is successful, remember to check the small box)-->Approve-->Deposit (these two are in the same place). Finally, when the Deposit button turns gray, it means that the points have been saved and the task is completed.

Step 10 ✧

- Click on the cross in the upper left corner, and you will see a prompt telling you that the task has been completed. Currently, there are about 60,000 people, and the interaction of this activity has been completed.

See Figures 3 to 7 for operation demonstration

The overall experience of this MegaDrop event is not bad. It is very suitable for newcomers to use it to learn how to interact on the chain and use the WEB3 wallet. In the end, you can 100% get airdrop rewards, it’s just a matter of how much (even if you don’t lock your bnb).

I suggest that everyone can give it a try. Maybe this is the starting point for you to become a chain native!