Today’s hot spots in the currency circle:

Payment giant Stripe re-embraces the currency circle and supports $USDC in the first wave. For the market, this can create value for merchants around the world, and also eliminate the need for buyers to transact in markets in different countries or regions with low handling fees and more convenient transactions.

Buterin said that there is an opportunity to create a super stable currency in 2024 this year for encrypted payments and applications. In my opinion, the usdc based on the $SOL public chain may be more in line with this condition for the time being, and its low gas and high throughput are both advantages. And it is built on some popular mainstream public chains. The author quite agrees with Buterin’s view. Even if it is not USDC, this kind of super stable currency will definitely appear within 10 years.

$BTC #BTC #ETH #sol生态 #加密支付 #USDT。