16. Why is it that when you see a beautiful photo, you ask, "What good camera did you use?", but when you see a bad photo, you criticize, "Why did you take such a bad photo?"

With ourselves, we attribute success to ourselves and blame failure to circumstances.

For others, their success is created by circumstances, while failure is caused by themselves.

17. What skill can be learned in a short time but brings extremely long-term benefits?

Compliment others.

18. How to get rid of anxiety?

Get to work.

19. "Don't complain", it's easy to say, but how to do it?

Understanding yourself will not resent others, understanding your destiny will not resent God.

20. Surely the creature that enters will never know how to swim?

Mother and wife. (Originated from the frequently asked question: "If your mother and wife both fell into the river, who would you save first?")

21. Who lives the happiest?

People who never compare themselves with others.

22. Why must we work hard?

So that you have the ability to refuse others and the courage to control your own life.

23. "Bad people live long, good people die early": If being a good person doesn't necessarily bring good rewards, why don't we become bad people?

We do not persevere in something because the end result is good or bad, but because we always firmly believe that what we do is right and does not go against our conscience.

24. Where is the first half of life and the next half of life divided?

It is at this moment, if you are determined enough.

25. When I'm thirty, I start studying for university exams, learning English, learning to compose music, play props... is it enough?

Why not? There are two best times to plant a tree: One is ten years ago, the other is now.

26. Which action is most likely to offend others without us even realizing it?

Treating the other person as family, being too natural can easily become ungrateful.