@Everyone 4.26 Trend Analysis and Operation Suggestions,

The current price of Bitcoin is 64100 and Ethereum is 3127. Yesterday, I told you that there will be a 4-day consolidation in the near future, and then you can choose the direction! #BTC is still consolidating, and the overall range has been 63000 65000. Tonight, US stocks will flow out again, and it should break 62500! Today is another Friday of the week. The weekly line changes very little over the weekend. If the daily closing position is particularly critical today! The general trend is still based on the previous one. Only when 64500 stands firm can there be a progress in the market, but the short-term trend is bearish, so there is no way to make an upward expectation. Short-term operations are more bearish and stable! Bitcoin daily line, 4 hours, macd are all running below the 0 axis. After consolidation, after stepping back on the 0 axis to lure more, this round of exploration may begin! Focus on Monday's closing! Bitcoin's short-term pressure level is 64950 65750 Support level is 62900 61800

#ETH Ethereum is still following the trend of Bitcoin. Hong Kong ETFs have not had much impact on the Ethereum market, and funds have not entered the cottage! It is still on Bitcoin! So it is not suitable for bottom-fishing in the short term! Wait patiently for opportunities! Ethereum's short-term pressure level is 3160 3220 Support level is 3080 2995