Thursday summary: Take 👇 big cake at 2727, all ideas are open!

Bitcoin is very clear, watch it, a slight rebound is a rebound. Two consecutive instructions were issued on the Internet during the day, and everyone took 👇 happily. Friends who are not optimistic about the trend, come and join us.

Welfare 🧧 go in one wave, 3-5 benches, no threshold!

First wave:

(1) Bitcoin 64497 short, 63888 out, take 609 points;

Second wave:

(1) Bitcoin 64051 short, 63075 out, take 976 points;

(2) Bitcoin 64072 short, 62930 out, take 1142 points;

Bitcoin's daily trend is still bearish. Although it has rebounded slightly, it has not stabilized in terms of form. There is a possibility of upward testing the upper resistance of 65500 in the evening. Before it can be broken through, it is still bearish overall. The current key pressure and support carry the watershed of the market turning point. Unless the market breaks through strongly and changes the current trend structure, the bearish thinking will continue to remain unchanged.

Operation suggestions for Thursday midnight:

Bitcoin: Short-term rebound around 65500-65000, can be short, the target is 64000-63000.

Ethereum: Just proceed with the synchronous thinking, lock the point, and take good defense!

Cognition is your wealth, choice is more important than hard work, those who understand will understand! #BTC #ETH #大盘走势