The long order recommended in the afternoon was not ideal. I chose to keep it and successfully sold it at the highest point of 6,4280 (pin), making a small profit. In recent days, it seems that I have indeed carried a few waves of orders. Many people who followed my orders chose to withdraw orders and leave the market at a loss, resulting in huge losses for you. Fortunately, my general direction was still right, and I successfully exited in the end. This is the order record made last night and today. It feels okay. The funds have also reached a historical high of 2780u (500u invested on April 15th at that time), and have successfully doubled more than 5 times. Keep up the good work. In summary, I was too eager to make orders, the position was not selected well, and I also carried several orders. Many people could not accept it. I will optimize these later. The biggest reason is that I was too greedy. I opened a large position at the beginning, which made me dare not cover the position later. Keep up the good work! If you don’t have a direction, you can follow with a small amount. Don’t force it. If you follow the order, I will basically not reply to your comments in the comment area. I am worried that replying to you will affect my overall judgment. Contracts are risky, so invest with caution! #大盘走势